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15 posts total

A successful farmer growing potatos


Here is another comparison between Mac OS 9 and Mac OS Monterey regarding the UX consistency.


One thing I like about Mac OS is that their UX experience is very consistent and they keep their Desktop UI and Tablet/Mobile Phone UI separate and don't mix them together and make Frankenstein UX experience like Windows 8/8.1/10/11 and Gnome 3/4.


Also another thing I hate about Gnome and GTK3 and GTK4 in general are CSD (Client Side Decoration) they behave so badly with so many Window Managers and when the compositing is turned off it shows ugly borders unless it is turned off from the GTK config file or something in the home directory. Have you ever seen QT apps or wxWidgets apps behaving this way? no they don't as they are designed to be cross-platform.. Its only the GTK3 and GTK4 apps which behave this way.

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

Yep, and even XFCE is going that way.

KDE Plasmq is like a public service organization

i3wm/bspwm/sway are like groovy/wild startups

GNOME is a dictatorship.


Now Let us study Windows User Guide


@safiuddinkhan Windows? No!

Okay, I'm just showing off πŸ˜…
Fedi crowd might actually find these artifacts from a long-lost more advanced civilization cool.


So secure boot and TPM is good for us... Microsoft is doing everyone a favor by securing our hardware with vendor locked bootloaders.. Otherwise it's Viruses and malware all over.

Did Microsoft Block Linux On New Thinkpads?!?

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:


falls for windows security meme
gets exe from internet
gives it admin because everything needs it anyway
system fucked
wife fucked
can't boot GNU/Linux because daddy microsoft said so


Hello I am a Nigerian prince, my uncle Prince Peter Mugabe Nelson Obama has usurped my father's throne and we had to escape for our lives.. I have millions of dollars in Nigerian National Bank but cannot use it and I am willing to share if you can help me.


I hate fucking hippies so much.. They go on holidays to remote places and start doing yoga literally everywhere and make fool of themselves in front of the natives.. lool


I would love to make Colonel Sanders Linux but then Colonel Sanders is a registered trademark so can't use him but then I don't know maybe I can.


I am really serious I gonna make my own distro called Hilary Clinton Linux... It will be Hilary Clinton themed and you will get quotes from her on the desktop every hour and whenever you will open the terminal.


@safiuddinkhan Why an entire distro and not just a desktop environment that you can install on your favorite distro?


If you are interested in switching to Linux then you ain't a normie. Normies don't switch to Linux or know what Linux is they just use whatever OS comes with their computer and will go to the shop and have it fixed if there is a problem with it... So there is no such thing as normie Linux users which the Linux YouTubers trying to attract and want Linux dumbed down and stripped from all the choices for them. It is just a fantasy Linux evangelicals have.


Look at the example of Steam Deck for example... It comes with a Linux distro pre-installed and even though it can run Windows but still most prefer using what it came with and don't really care about customizing it or anything as such.


I hate reddit too.. the interface is buggy, laggy and overcomplicated and understanding it is literally a rocket science with all the karma shit and literally every subreddit of it is restricted in some way and full of censorship which annoys the hell out of me.

Maddie :linuxmint: :xfce:

@safiuddinkhan the reddit app constantly feels like an unfinished alpha build. video playback straight up doesn't work for me most of the time, and when it does there's no sound. the mobile web version is honestly better but reddit bugs you if you use it. this is what happens when you prioritize ripping off tiktok over making your stupid fucking apps bug free


If Microsoft is so fucking into FOSS than release the source code of at least the older versions of Windows as FOSS... At least the chunk owned by Microsoft and let the projects like React OS and Wine copy that chuck of FOSSes source code of Windows and improve their compatibility and not had to resort to reverse engineering.


@safiuddinkhan Do you expect Microsoft to open source their spyware AKA telemetry code? Really?

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