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Нигилист-эгоист, постлефтист, неполиткорректный инфоанархист, евроскептик, любитель сильных вайфу. Слава Штирнеру.
Egoist nihilist, post-leftist, anti-idpol infoanarchist, eurosceptic, muscular waifu enjoyer. Praise Stirner. #anarchism #egoism #UserFreedom #nobot
Wall 135 posts
Факт того, что Spotify ушли с российского рынка, сеет во мне недоверие и неприязнь к стриминговым сервисам, за которые нужно платить дань (да, это дань, а не просто "подписка").
The fact that Spotify left the Russian market seeds distrust and aversion to streaming services which require you to pay a fief (yes, it's a fief and not just a "subscription") in me. @cyberspook У меня это недоверие окончательно проросло ещё с закрытием Гугл.Музыки. Платил им, загружал своё, формировал библиотеку, собирал плейлисты - фигак и нет.
@cyberspook "дань" - это когда обязательно и принудительно. Подписка на #spotify не обязательна и не принудительна, не нужно подменять понятия и жонглировать словами.
The capitalists hate poor workers only when they exist. When they die they magically start to freak out, eh? Whom are you going to exploit if there’s noone to hire? You’ll have to make someone poor. You’ll have to force someone into poverty… like other capitalists. Perhaps your friends and family. I am always fascinated at how Stirnerites can take a concept and turn it on its head, showing us its full implications unadultered by mainstream ideologies. I love this movement. Whatever happens, I own a big gratitude to it and am happy to know about such great philosophical thinkers.
LIBERALS: "Might makes right" means that people should kill each other!
STIRNERITES: "Might makes right" means that we need to become as strong as our enemies to defeat them. And once we defeat them, what are they gonna do? Whine about them not getting what they "deserve?" Yet they are the ones saying that we don't deserve anything and that they are the strong. Fate shall decide who is the strong, draw your swords, capitalists. @nyx The Ukrainian war has split people into four camps: “I critically support Vladimir Putin in the fight against neo-Nazis and western imperialism.”“This is a capitalist war, we should be against it.”“SUPPORT UKRAINE PUTLER IS A NAZI OOOOH I’M VOOOOOOOOSHING!!”“SUPPORT RUSSIA ZELENSKY IS A NAZI OOOOH I’M INFROOOOOOOORING!!”What’s your take? @iska A short introduction to the expansionalism of the capitalist mode of production:
People worry about mass shootings and I'm just sitting here, thinking about their sheer stupidity. How spooked can you be to deliberately go on a suicide mission? Oh… We have soldiers, nevermind.
MARXISTS: You’re both wrong. It’s the fault of the capitalists. UPHOLD EGOIST NAZI COMMUNISM. PROGRESSIVES: Anarchy is when more democracy! Хм, я понял, почему марксисты социал-демократов не любят.
Как-будто социал-демократы когда-то что-то делали вообще. Свободную торговлю они поддерживают, свободному ПО они нихрена не помогают, с буржуйскими американскими мегакорпорациями они имеют наитеплейшие отношения. Тьфу! Идите в жопу.