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Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

@m0xee @cyberspook @safiuddinkhan

thing is the call recording was in stock ROM

Also why would that be illegal. Isn't call recording useful for court?

Call recordings' legality depends on the jurisdiction so even if it can be useful it can also be consequential.
MattZ replied to Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:
Many of the laws don't makes sense because they're a relic of past. Working with law is like working with patch works on top of patch works hence needing an entire profession dedicated to solving this patchwork of madness
CyberSpook🇷🇺 replied to MattZ
Bureaucracy stifles progress. That's one of the reasons Windows sucks. That's one of the reasons mathematics suck as well. All this legacy bullshit standardized by a central authority.
@safiuddinkhan @iska @m0xee
MattZ replied to CyberSpook🇷🇺
Progress for the sake of it will also end in madness, and I prefer less of people be mad than all of them.

The nature of existence is to make compromises, the only thing you get to choose is what to compromise.
CyberSpook🇷🇺 replied to MattZ
How is progress for the sake of progress even related to this? It's a non-argument, I have concrete reasons to oppose stagnation. Neither do I care about upsetting people, I care about what I want first, about what others want second.

The nature of existence is to make as few compromizes as possible. The question is where to be less compromizable.
@safiuddinkhan @iska @m0xee
How is progress for the sake of progress even related to this? It's a non-argument, I have concrete reasons to oppose stagnation. Neither do I care about upsetting people, I care about what I want first, about what others want second.
CyberSpook🇷🇺 replied to CyberSpook🇷🇺
But honestly, the nature of existence doesn't exist, it's a mental construct used to justify fixed ideologies and succumb people to the world of ideas. The thing is, ideological thinking is a kind of disease that paralyzes pragmatic thinking. That's why I don't have any concrete vision. To always be flexible and to not allow other people to force their interests on me, I want to force my interests first.

The nature of existence, the human nature, the meaning of life. All just nonsensical language games that try to reduce an infinitely complex multiplicity of existence into easily digestible ideas that dumb humans can understand.
@iska @m0xee @safiuddinkhan
But honestly, the nature of existence doesn't exist, it's a mental construct used to justify fixed ideologies and succumb people to the world of ideas. The thing is, ideological thinking is a kind of disease that paralyzes pragmatic thinking. That's why I don't have any concrete vision. To always be flexible and to not allow other people to force their interests on me, I want to force my interests first.
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