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#Mozilla has announced that they are closing their Mastodon instance.

But at least, they are hiring a lot, which is nice.

- Machine Learning Engineer, Gen AI
- Principal Product Manager, Generative AI
- Staff Machine Learning Engineer, Gen AI
- …

Wait, are they hiring for something else than AI ?

Glad you asked:

- Senior Staff Software Engineer, Ads
- Client Analytics Manager
- Product Policy Manager, Ads
- …


@ploum Enshittification progress report: going strong.

Stupid question: if the fundation has lost its direction/vision, what efforts would be needed to fork and reboot it?


They never had a vision they've been running like a headless chicken for years chasing the shiny new thing and giving it up after a couple years. The foundation doesn't care about firefox.


@bohwaz @ploum it feels to me that they had (maybe along time ago) a very strong vision which allowed Firefox, thunderbird and many other open source projects to grow significantly.


@gdupont @ploum You should read the slides used in MoFo board meetings then:

They will tell you what the MoFo board is talking about in its meetings.

Spoiler alert: it doesn't involve Firefox or Thunderbird.

I guess most of the vision for the software comes from the people directly working on it (developers, project managers etc.). Hard to know, I don't work there, but the MoFo board definitely doesn't have a very good opinion of Firefox.


@sirber @bohwaz @ploum
<playing role="devil advocate"> one can also read between the lines that firefox emerged at the internet bubble time where the most pressing technological issues was to "provide safe access and facilitate flows of information" (outside commercial tools).

This is still relevant today but we also have new technological issues with AI models an conversational assistant and even crypto (if only to avoid the scams). In that sense, Firefox/Thunderbird is not enough.


@sirber @bohwaz @gdupont @ploum What they're going to do is fix all the memory leaks, gigantic allocations, and useless CPU churn and then replace all that with a background process that turns your computer into a processing cell for an AI and bitcoin mining operation.

You won't notice. Sort of like SETI@Home except you're actively using your computer at the time thinking your computer is actively working for you.

All browser development teams have been secretly working this plan for decades.


@bohwaz @gdupont @ploum The Foundation cares about Firefox, it is just not their responsibility.

Flittermouse 🔞🐩 :ablobbass: :ablobdrum: :ablobkeyboard:
Not sure this fully addresses your question but on a product level librewolf attempts to provide a deshittified build of Mozilla's code. No mobile version but they recommend something called mull as an alternative.

If you mean "reboot the foundation itself" I have no idea what that would entail.

Not sure this fully addresses your question but on a product level librewolf attempts to provide a deshittified build of Mozilla's code. No mobile version but they recommend something called mull as an alternative.

@ploum more serious question: is the actual foundation really lost? Can it be steared back to a better vision? Keeping in mind that it also has to be financially sustainable to hope any long term and large scale impact.

James J Malcolm

@gdupont @ploum who gets to decide who runs the org?

It’s taken a long time to remove Mitchell Baker as CEO, who’s been using the foundation as their personal money machine.


@ploum du coup
C'est fini l'alternative à google chrome ? !

Parigot-Manchot φ

@jeu2role @ploum Encoire heureux que non, mais la stratégie à long terme n'est pas sur un horizon très éclairci.

christopher :rebel:


silicon valley: a rotating door of capitalist bros

mozilla isn't immune and hasn't been based in a long time



So mozilla will be customer of both ads & ai companies...

The other possibility is Mozilla trying to compete to deliver those to its users
But its userbase is not interested in...

Seriousluly in both cases, the managers need to show up and defend their shit beyond the "PowerPoint for kids" level.


@tuxicoman @ploum problem is it seems all managers fall for the AI trap these days, EU is scrapping it's funding for FLOSS for AI f.ex. and M$ is willing to train 300k people in SME in Wallonia in 3 years ('cos it important for productivity, to not fall behind etc) with bs arguments (like it is proven to increase yield )
It's a bubble that we know will burst but still being drained on by bigCorps up until they can ...

@tuxicoman @ploum problem is it seems all managers fall for the AI trap these days, EU is scrapping it's funding for FLOSS for AI f.ex. and M$ is willing to train 300k people in SME in Wallonia in 3 years ('cos it important for productivity, to not fall behind etc) with bs arguments (like it is proven to increase yield )
It's a bubble that we know will burst but still being drained on by bigCorps up until they can ...


@olm_e @ploum

Le bur esr d' "avoir les compétences nécessaires pour utiliser l'IA générative"

Comprendre. D'etre client chez Mucrosoft.

Aral Balkan

@ploum How odd, every time I’ve criticised Mozilla in the past, I’ve had respected members of the web community tell me how wrong I was and what a terrible person I was being.



@aral @ploum fan boys n girls enjoy their echo chambers Mozilla and Firefox have had rough patches that deserved significant public outcry and push back but they mostly dodged the negative media because they are the "good guys" and an army of brainwashed followers will always defend them.

Nina Felwitch :v_trans:

@ploum Mozilla had one job. To not be as bad as Google. And they took that as a challenge, but in the wrong way.

renato :unarist:

@ploum gotta get that bread gotta axe that employees 💪💪💪


@ploum The offline translation "Ai" they have, I'm totally for. I love the feature and it's really good at translating. I often use it to shop across Europe in stores that ship across EU but don't have webpages in English.

I'm not a fan of cloud Ai nonsense chat bots.

Chris 🦑

@ploum honestly, what the fuck is going on with this company?

Mårten Björklund 🇸🇪

@ploum It's sad to see the downfall of Mozilla Firefox.

However, there is light on the horizon, Vivaldi is mature enough and resembles what Mozilla used to be.


@martenbjorklund @ploum The problem with Vivaldi is that it's still running on Chromium, so no, it doesn't resemble Mozilla, because it does nothing to the monopoly that Chromium has over browsers. Neither does Arc, Brave, etc.

Mårten Björklund 🇸🇪

@alextecplayz @ploum Yea, that's just it, it's not only about the tech anymore, the organization behind the project matters even more, as this entire thread displays.

I was there when Netscape Navigator started working on Gecko in 1997 and I'm ditching it now.


@martenbjorklund @ploum Yes, but again, Vivaldi (as a company) does nothing to move away from depending on Google. We need both, if we want a truly viable alternative to this monopoly.

Mårten Björklund 🇸🇪

@alextecplayz @ploum True, right now.

Chromium is released under the BSD-license and is decoupled from Google.

Here is the code if you want to see for yourself:


@martenbjorklund @ploum Chromium is NOT decoupled from Google, despite the "Chromium Projects" umbrella, Chromium is not an independent entity from Google, plus the bulk of the commits are made by Google employees.

The same applies to Gecko and Firefox. They're both controlled and overseen by Mozilla Corporation, a subsidiary of Mozilla Foundation. Donations to the Foundation do not go towards Firefox or Gecko.

This solves nothing. While Chromium is very good when it comes to security, privacy (capabilities), performance compared to Gecko and WebKit, we can't solve the monopoly issue by promoting or developing more Chromium browsers.

Servo and Verso are coming along well, so they might be a viable alternative in like 5 years or so, but will Gecko and Firefox survive that long without being thoroughly infested and enshittified due to Mozilla's stupid decisions?

@martenbjorklund @ploum Chromium is NOT decoupled from Google, despite the "Chromium Projects" umbrella, Chromium is not an independent entity from Google, plus the bulk of the commits are made by Google employees.

The same applies to Gecko and Firefox. They're both controlled and overseen by Mozilla Corporation, a subsidiary of Mozilla Foundation. Donations to the Foundation do not go towards Firefox or Gecko.

Mårten Björklund 🇸🇪

@alextecplayz @ploum You are correct, what I meant is that it is decoupled from Google services.

But again, that's not the point, the point is that the organisation behind a software project is MUCH MUCH more important than the tech right now.

🔗 David Sommerseth

@martenbjorklund @alextecplayz @ploum

If you want an ungoogled Chromium ... this is the closest you get these days ...

Some might find @Vivaldi a viable alternative as well - but not sure how deep they go into the code to decouple Google.


So here's the problem, the catch-22 Vivaldi, and Opera before them, have been in since their creation.

* Everyone keeps finding a reason NOT to support them.
* Without the support, they stay small.
* At that size they cannot afford to look at making a whole new browser engine.
* Which becomes a reason NOT to support them.
* Without the support, they stay small...

...and so on.

In terms of Morals and Ethics they are and always have been what everyone hoped Mozilla were. They've been at the forefront of battling to keep the web open every chance they get, with Microsoft during the IE6 days and yes with Google during the Chrome days. They've even been bullied into spoofing themselves as Chrome to keep their browser functional. But they respect Privacy. They respect and champion open web standards. They publicly came out against AI.

If we don't rally behind someone that's going to do that for us we risk losing them too.

Imagine a world where Vivaldi had 30% browser share or more. Imagine what they could accomplish FOR US with that strength.

But we don't get there if everyone is always "Ew, Chromium".

So here's the problem, the catch-22 Vivaldi, and Opera before them, have been in since their creation.

* Everyone keeps finding a reason NOT to support them.
* Without the support, they stay small.
* At that size they cannot afford to look at making a whole new browser engine.
* Which becomes a reason NOT to support them.
* Without the support, they stay small...

...and so on.

In terms of Morals and Ethics they are and always...


@martenbjorklund it’s still Chromium under the hood. If all browsers run on Google’s rendering, then de facto Google decides what the web looks like. There need to be alternatives with market share to push back.
This is ignoring the very real ways their search dominance gave rise to the SEO trash we now deal with.

ʙwɑnɑ нoɴoʟʊʟʊ ✅

@martenbjorklund Vivaldi is yet another Blink-/Chromium-based browser. If Firefox dies, it will take Gecko with it, so the only up-to-date browser engine will be under Google's control, and I don't see a replacement for that on the horizon. Also, Vivaldi is only freeware, even though it has open source parts, it is proprietary. Doesn't sound like an alternative to me. 😕


Mårten Björklund 🇸🇪

@bwana @ploum Once again, the organization behind a software project matters more than the tech, right now.

If we support the people with the right intentions and they grow, hopefully they can do more about the tech.

ʙwɑnɑ нoɴoʟʊʟʊ ✅

@martenbjorklund Right, the organization behind a software project matters, and the organization behind Blink is Google.
The web used to be an ecosystem, at least for a while, but it's close to being a monoculture now, under the control of a single entity.

What could Vivaldi do to wrestle control over Blink out of Google's hands?


Mx Autumn :blobcatpumpkin:

@ploum I don't understand how they can't find the money to keep that instance running.

It has a few hundred active users, which is small in the grand scheme of things.

Feels like Mozilla is being too corporate about this and someone in control doesn't understand what Mastodon is, doesn't care and has swiped it off the board without a thought.

Although saying that, a lot of the decisions at Mozilla recently feel like not a lot of thought went into them :muppets_stalter:


Everything's about money in the end but it's not a direct causal factor in this decision, I'd say. Apparently, Fediversians have been HUGELY vocal to this Instance about the ongoing AI development, very much not in favour of it. If you're looking for a reason it got shut down, this is probably the front-runner:

Rich Felker

@carbontwelve @ploum It costs like 0.1% of what they're spending on AI shit with highly negative value.


@ploum looking forward to another huge wave of layoffs when gen ai inevitably collapses in 2 years


Another wave is probably coming around February after the annual results...


@q66 @ploum I hope it's only 2 years out, I forsee many years and billions of capital propping it up long term just imo.

Neil Worldmaker

@ploum I don’t think any true Mozilla customers actually care about AI or falsely “privacy preserving” ADs, can we sign a petition to stop this or something? This can’t keep happening :(



This is a nice collection of Red Flags.

Tushar Chauhan

@ploum I rang the alarm bells right at the start and was met with really strong pushback. Hopefully with your massive network and a Europe friendly name you can reach more people.

Ruben Capiau

@ploum Your post is quite tendentious when you only mention 6 out of 35 job openings ... check the list for yourself.

And while we may and should be skeptical about ads in Firefox, they're doing research into privacy-preserving ads.


Pack it up, folks. Firefox is Over...Finished.


@ploum just reinforces my point that any company aggressively collecting loads of data via telemetry is headed towards ads business sooner or later. Firefox had all the red flags for years, only the withering good will was holding up the facade(

LibreWolf/ungoogled-chromium are the only reasonable alternatives nowadays - salvageable bits of bastardised products from rotting corpo husks(

Got no solutions of fixing mozilla tho, short of a purge =/ restructuring will only hurt the little guys(

Laurel L Russwurm 💉💉💉💉💉

It has always been a business.

Just because the actions of a business may seem to align with our values/goals for a time, despite current legal fictions, it is not a person with morals or public accountability, it is always a sociopath whose only goal is profit.

Julien W.

@ploum I think what you do is called "cherry picking" and that's not super nice


@ploum Stick a fork in it, we are done here!

What a damn shame.


@ploum this is incredibly disheartening.

Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

@ploum okay... Anyone have a list of suggestion as to alternative browsers? ⏫


@ploum Huh. Well, I never liked Firefox's UI much anyway; it's sole attraction was as another alternative to Google Chrome. So much for that. Fuck 'em.

RealGene ☣️

I'm going to write my OWN browser, with blackjack, and hookers!

Aleksandra :nato:

@ploum @hacks4pancakes when i say they are dead just remove all their products


@ploum Anyone got any recommendations for a web browser other than Firefox? Brave is not an answer.

Tiger Jerusalem

@ploum @Ursalzona as much as I hate it I kinda understand. Google was deemed a monopoly and that may torch a huge chunk of Firefox cash infusion. They must go for new revenues, and today's world value AI and Ads. Seems like the only way out for them since people won't donate nor adhere for any kind of subscription service.



typical no context post
Mozilla appears to have 750 employees, so this is 1% of headcount ?
maybe 2% of programmer headcount ?
which means 98% of programmers working on other stuff (maybe)

Anika :flag_transgender: :flag_pansexual: :autism:

@ploum ugh, mozilla is really going downhill.

I'd rather work for Canonical than Mozilla.

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