@alextecplayz@techhub.social @martenbjorklund@mastodon.nu @ploum@mamot.fr

So here's the problem, the catch-22 Vivaldi, and Opera before them, have been in since their creation.

* Everyone keeps finding a reason NOT to support them.
* Without the support, they stay small.
* At that size they cannot afford to look at making a whole new browser engine.
* Which becomes a reason NOT to support them.
* Without the support, they stay small...

...and so on.

In terms of Morals and Ethics they are and always have been what everyone hoped Mozilla were. They've been at the forefront of battling to keep the web open every chance they get, with Microsoft during the IE6 days and yes with Google during the Chrome days. They've even been bullied into spoofing themselves as Chrome to keep their browser functional. But they respect Privacy. They respect and champion open web standards. They publicly came out against AI.

If we don't rally behind someone that's going to do that for us we risk losing them too.

Imagine a world where Vivaldi had 30% browser share or more. Imagine what they could accomplish FOR US with that strength.

But we don't get there if everyone is always "Ew, Chromium".