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Mx Autumn :blobcatpumpkin:

@ploum I don't understand how they can't find the money to keep that instance running.

It has a few hundred active users, which is small in the grand scheme of things.

Feels like Mozilla is being too corporate about this and someone in control doesn't understand what Mastodon is, doesn't care and has swiped it off the board without a thought.

Although saying that, a lot of the decisions at Mozilla recently feel like not a lot of thought went into them :muppets_stalter:


Everything's about money in the end but it's not a direct causal factor in this decision, I'd say. Apparently, Fediversians have been HUGELY vocal to this Instance about the ongoing AI development, very much not in favour of it. If you're looking for a reason it got shut down, this is probably the front-runner:

Rich Felker

@carbontwelve @ploum It costs like 0.1% of what they're spending on AI shit with highly negative value.

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