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A key qualification was the word "professional".

In most places 'programmers' are not members of a professional association with codes of conduct/ethics, nor are there standards of education/training, nor licensure or bond.

Which ultimately means the professionals do not know they can refuse unethical/immoral work requirements, nor have they organized to enforce their rights.

Warlock Of Wires

@amgine @samir PEs can and do gatekeep for the safety of life ect.

I wish software Engineers had the same Arrangement ..


@Warlockofwires @samir

Unfortunately, software engineering is more akin to building trades than PE: the area of its applied sciences is very large, not well-defined, and entails a myriad of sub-specialization.

That does not mean, like trades or finance, they cannot form guilds and unions to build standards and enforce regulations and ethics. It just means PE will not accept them into the fold.

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