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@pixx Well, if they do, i.e. if they suddenly show interest in your product, you should ask yourself why next. The answer might point you towards spoting the harmful aspect that you had missed previously.
@james @samir


@levampyre @james @samir hot take: not everything involving money is inherently evil???


@levampyre @james @samir not every company is Raytheon or Amazon.


@levampyre @james @samir (not to say corporations are "generally good", don't get me wrong, not even slightly! but it seems pretty wild to argue that _choosing to pay_ volunteer scientists is a likely indicator of evil??)


@pixx If it's done by a corporation or an individual that's already very rich and thus investing strategically and not an individual by personal choice, it's a pretty good indicator in my opinion. At least, it's an immediate red flag to me.

@james @samir


@pixx That's your personal belief, not mine. Sorry. Whenever I analyse what's wrong with this world (of the aspects that we as a society could change, of course) money is where I land. It incentivices egoism when instead we need to stand together to care for each other and empathise. It incentivices greed and exploitation of everything and everyone we perceive as less powerful or worthy than ourselves.

@james @samir

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