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My point is that something pointless (with no positive impact, if you like) is not actively harmful (as per the original post).
Developing another office suite, or another ERP, that's doomed to fail, should never, even for the sake of online opinion pools, be placed on the same level with this piece of "human ingenuity", for example:
It's unfair to those stuck in the former scenario, and it trivializes the latter.
Maybe I'm wrong.

1 comment
betalars :antifa:

@liber When I say I don't like encountering muddy paths and bears when biking trough the woods I am not saying those things are equally bad.

pointless is having no impact. People don't like that.

Pointless is without a doubt less bad than harmful.

But as people look for jobs that do a meaningful good, they want to avoid stuff that's either pointless or harmful.

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