Guess what? Their software succeeded!…at identifying photos taken by Macalester’s admissions dept.
It turns out that all the publicity photos, massaged and prepped for recruiting material, had more vivid colors than the photos they took. And they’d mostly used publicity photos for the “happy” rooms and their own photos for the “sad” rooms (which generally aren’t in publicity materials).
They’d encoded a bias in their dataset, and machine learning dutifully picked up the pattern.
The student had a dilemma: she had to present her research, but the results sucked! the project failed! she was embarrassed! Should she try to fix it at the last minute?? Rush a totally different project?!?
I nipped that in the bud. “You have a •great• presentation here.” Failure is fascinating. Bad results are fascinating. And people •need• to understand how these AI / ML systems break.