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Sven A. Schmidt

@inthehands Reminds me of a lesson I learned about 30 years ago in a physics course. In pairs we had to run experiments a full day and then prepare an analysis.

Our results were garbage. We tried everything to explain them, all attempts failed. In the end we went in to present our “results” and expected to be roasted.

On the contrary, our tutor was delighted. Turned out an essential part of the experiment was broken and he praised us for doing all the “false negative” analysis 😮

Christine M.

@finestructure @inthehands

"False negative analysis" and being brave enough to say "We don't know - yet." - both valuable positions when the situation warrants.

And: Don't let yourself be discouraged.

@finestructure @inthehands I heard a legend about a lab exercise at our uni where students were tasked to figure out the contents of a box by electrical measurements on some external connectors. Sometimes the box contained a potato wired up.
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