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Pusher Of Pixels

@inthehands Definitely agree. The applicant screening part is a huge problem given how biased the AI systems inherently are.

I'm not sure the 'opportunity' of gathering the AI rejects is viable though. AI applicant screenings will find large numbers of qualified candidates. Just much whiter, male and homogeneous in nature.

That will *eventually* harm the companies, but we aren't starting from a fair playing field. So in the short term it's yet another block on one side of the societal unfairness balance.

Paul Cantrell replied to Pusher Of Pixels

Right. What I’m describing isn’t easy. But to the extent that hiring processes are flawed, there is a competitive advantage there to be found.

Pusher Of Pixels replied to Paul

@inthehands Agreed. Hopefully it can be used successfully!

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