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Paul Cantrell

At this point, I don’t think it’s even worth trying to talk down business leaders who’ve drunk the Kool-Aid. They need to make their own mistakes.


I do think there’s a competitive advantage here for companies willing to seize it. Which great candidates are getting overlooked by biased hiring? If you can identify them, hire them, and retain them — if! — then I suspect that payoff quickly outstrips the cost savings of having an AI automate your garbage hiring practices.


Paul Cantrell replied to Paul

Yeah. The spam arms race is playing out in many spheres, and it feels kind of desperate right now tbh. A defining feature of our present moment.

From @JMMaok:

Paul Cantrell replied to Paul

More of Paul’s grumbling on the topic of the AI mania sweeping the business world:

Voline replied to Paul

@inthehands @JMMaok Look y’all, how about we just cut the Gordian Knot here and destroy capitalism? No adverts in a world with no money.

OddOpinions5 replied to Paul


we often hear about bad decisions made by local, state, or federal goverments
and a large part of this is cause gov't info is public (at least in the US)

but we rarely hear the details of bad decisision by corporations

spend 100 million on a new website that is so bad it gets buried ?

No One ever knows, cause that is private info

and no one seems aware of this

[ edit ] of course, the right wing spends a lot of time & $ harassing the media about this


we often hear about bad decisions made by local, state, or federal goverments
and a large part of this is cause gov't info is public (at least in the US)

but we rarely hear the details of bad decisision by corporations

spend 100 million on a new website that is so bad it gets buried ?

No One ever knows, cause that is private info

DELETED replied to Paul

@inthehands Hiring managers are overwhelmingly white women and men and already so biased that AI is only a representation of themselves. Either way the ones who deserve the most, lose out. I wouldn't be able to go through the things that white people have said to me in interviews and how they act on the job but its no short of unprofessional, white supremacist, narcissistic, unintelligible and so far removed from humanity I don't know how they were raised because its hard to be that ignorant

P J Evans replied to DELETED

@gentrifiedrose @inthehands
I had a lead person who was nice enough (though self-promoting) in groups, but was unqualified for the work they were doing, and genuinely a bigot when not in a group or where they could be overheard. (HR required two witnesses.) They had the pieces of paper, though, and I didn't...but I think they were afraid I'd try for their job. (Didn't want it; I loved the one I was hired for.)

DELETED replied to P J Evans

@PJ_Evans @inthehands Over 80% of #HR are white women so hiring will always be biased and the fear that someone wants their job is no different than saying the mexican immigrants want to rape and steal. The paranoia comes from #narcissism where they think they'll be treated the way they treat others 😂 no one wants their job. #hire

P J Evans replied to DELETED

@gentrifiedrose @inthehands
At that company non-whites were well represented at all level, so that wasn't a problem. It was that the one person was able to game their bigotry so they couldn't be reported and fired. (It was visible in the group: fewer Latinos and no blacks.)

DELETED replied to P J Evans

@PJ_Evans @inthehands That happened in my governement job where I thought I was lucky to work in the most diverse company but the minority were white men and women who had outsized power. As studies show, the fewer the whites, the bigger the discrimination and the more damage they unleash.

P J Evans replied to DELETED

@gentrifiedrose @inthehands
Mine had Asians, men and women, in high places, as well as Latinos. And Blacks... I think it was run better when the money guys had less power, though.

DELETED replied to P J Evans

@PJ_Evans @inthehands Always, inequality always leads to greed and broken society.

Pusher Of Pixels replied to Paul

@inthehands Definitely agree. The applicant screening part is a huge problem given how biased the AI systems inherently are.

I'm not sure the 'opportunity' of gathering the AI rejects is viable though. AI applicant screenings will find large numbers of qualified candidates. Just much whiter, male and homogeneous in nature.

That will *eventually* harm the companies, but we aren't starting from a fair playing field. So in the short term it's yet another block on one side of the societal unfairness balance.

@inthehands Definitely agree. The applicant screening part is a huge problem given how biased the AI systems inherently are.

I'm not sure the 'opportunity' of gathering the AI rejects is viable though. AI applicant screenings will find large numbers of qualified candidates. Just much whiter, male and homogeneous in nature.

Paul Cantrell replied to Pusher Of Pixels

Right. What I’m describing isn’t easy. But to the extent that hiring processes are flawed, there is a competitive advantage there to be found.

Pusher Of Pixels replied to Paul

@inthehands Agreed. Hopefully it can be used successfully!

DELETED replied to Paul

@inthehands AI is never going to hire a candidate named Devonte who was the local black student union president in favor of Theodore William Authier III who was polo president in college. 😂

Martha Howell replied to Paul

Backing way up, how many jobs require skills that are relevant to a specific sport? (And no, "teamwork" isn't an answer. There are a million non-sports examples of teamwork that can be highlighted in the average person's work history.)

Paul Cantrell replied to Martha

@MHowell For sure. I mean, the premise is to paint a “whole person” picture that fosters useful conversation in the interview, but I’m sure as often as not things like this become a discrimination vector. Conversely, though, I don’t think it’s possible to scrub enough personal identity characteristics from a resume to prevent discrimination.

Analog AI replied to Paul

@inthehands You can just buy the same AI, and interview only people whose resumes were rejected.

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