We're excited to share a preview of a Framework Laptop with a new CPU architecture today, and it's not the one you probably think it is. DeepComputing is creating the first partner-developed Mainboard, and it's powered by a RISC-V processor!
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@frameworkcomputer Mannnn this is just the best. Finally great hardware initiatives being pushed by the GNU/Linux community.
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@hannah Fun fact: systemd (the daemon program for starting up the subprocesses of a linux system, not unlike launchd or the init script, which many other distributions refuse to use because in their opinion it does too many things) was actually named that as a pun on the French concept of Système D(ebruiller), (I.e., skill of improvisation). .DS_Store .DS_Lite_Store .DSi_Store .3DS_Store .2DS_Store .3DS_XL_Store .⚞new⚟_3DS_Store .⚞new⚟_3DS_XL_Store .⚞new⚟_2DS_XL_Store DXVK might be one of the coolest graphics libraries in recent development and one of the most important ones for game preservation. everyone who works on that should have the best day ever every day. Wireless: Кролл, ты не сцы, мы на самом деле лояльны по отношению к пользователям. Варны и баны - это уж крайне редкие случае, которые получаются только когда модератор выходит из себя из-за идиотизма пользователя, мы не хотим гавна. Но уважать порядок и правила хотя бы чуть-чуть нужно, иначе будет жесткий срач и флуд. Тоже саме и с новостями. * На Wireless наложена Печать Молчания на 15 минут. Причина: за сочувствие антипартийным элементам * |