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19 posts total
fasterthanlime 🌌

Say you had a bunch of .rar files and you forgot their password. What tool would you use to recover the data, in the year of our lord 2024?


@fasterthanlime That depends on who exactly the aforementioned lord is.

If it is Mr. J. Christ (Gregorian calendar), then what the others have said.

If it is his father, who denies having a son (Hebrew calendar, 1736 BC), then you could use an abacus.

If it is the same father, but under a different name (Hijri calendar, 2585 AC), then any quantum computer in the household can deal with it.

If our lord is the Japanese emperor (Reiwa eras, exact date unknown, but the emperor must be 2024 years old, so probably around 40K AC), you can ask Adeptus Mechanicus, and pray to the Machine God there's no heresy found in those files.

Or in any of those cases, you can ask the lord directly, most of them tend to be all-knowing, so for sure they know the password.

@fasterthanlime That depends on who exactly the aforementioned lord is.

If it is Mr. J. Christ (Gregorian calendar), then what the others have said.

If it is his father, who denies having a son (Hebrew calendar, 1736 BC), then you could use an abacus.

If it is the same father, but under a different name (Hijri calendar, 2585 AC), then any quantum computer in the household can deal with it.

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MicroBlog Castellano

@fasterthanlime Here in Spain, telegrams disappeared on the 2000s. I remember sending notifications by telegram until late 90s, then discovering a text-certified "burofax" (a document sent to post office, then copied down and faxed to a second post office and sent by a postman to its destination) was cheaper.


@fasterthanlime I've never used #Telegram but I have used #Telex.
I've even worked on it and I can tell you that +80v/-80v across the fingers makes you jump a bit and say rude words. πŸ™‚

fasterthanlime 🌌

tired: dating yourself πŸ—“οΈ
wired: dating yourself πŸ’–

fasterthanlime 🌌

> You have reinvented PHP better, but that's still no justification


fasterthanlime 🌌

the only two moods when doing paperwork:
"oh no, I HAVE to talk to a human for this"
"oh no, there's no human to talk to"

fasterthanlime 🌌

scratch that, 2023 adds a third mood:

"oh NO, I have to get through an AI chatbot first"

fasterthanlime 🌌

Ok can we make /.well-known/pronouns a thing because jfc

@fasterthanlime `Vary: Referer Origin Accept-Language Accept-Encoding`

@fasterthanlime I'd love to see more work on humans.txt for websites and also add pronouns there.

fasterthanlime 🌌

β€œWhy stop at smart pointers?β€œ how did I miss that thread hahahahaha

Xandra Granade πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ

@fasterthanlime Ah, right, because "if only programmers programmed correctly, programs would be correct" has always worked in the past.

Goodness, HN is a website.

Lorenzo Stoakes
@fasterthanlime that whole thread is a classic HN thing of people who know nothing about either expressing opinions anyway. I do love the 'it's proven that rewrites don't help' [link to year 2k Joel Spolsky post].

OK that's the standard of proof now is it... christ

[P.S. to be clear, I do agree that [more] memory safe languages like rust are a better choice. Just dislike the level of god damn b.s. on that thread]
@fasterthanlime that whole thread is a classic HN thing of people who know nothing about either expressing opinions anyway. I do love the 'it's proven that rewrites don't help' [link to year 2k Joel Spolsky post].

fasterthanlime 🌌

ah yes, famous open source http reverse proxy "Apple"

fasterthanlime 🌌

interestingly, has a bunch of copies of apache, but not nginx (that I can find). Presumably because they don’t redistribute it?

fasterthanlime 🌌

I've read the stage of that typescript project where the bundler corrupts its own cache every couple changes or so

fasterthanlime 🌌

What’s wrong with my cat? Please advise

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Delphine Jacobs

@fasterthanlime Some cats are less comfortable having their lines of sight disrupted while they're toileting.

Depending on your cat's age, there might be joint stiffness (our roommates' cat has severe arthritis and can't always use his litterbox comfortably). But my guess is your floof prefers to just have an eye out on surroundings 🐰

fasterthanlime 🌌

Does the KISS acronym call the reader stupid, or does it say to keep it simple AND keep it stupid?

I've always wondered:

Anonymous poll


the reader is stupid
simple & stupid
17 people voted.
Voting ended 5 May 2023 at 11:59.
fasterthanlime 🌌

her: "you don't like me! you like the _idea_ of me"
me: "yes nixpkgs, that's exactly it."

fasterthanlime 🌌

(nixpkgs is a she in the same way the sea, fickle and awe-inspiringly terrifying, is a she)

fasterthanlime 🌌

new achievement unlocked: use a syscall valgrind hasn't implemented

fasterthanlime 🌌

I think I need to call the linux kernel hotline, anyone know the number

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