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@th3rdsergeevich @rf уже сотый выпуск который я не посмотрел, уху!!! Тем не менее, поздравляю вас с юбилеем. @drq @th3rdsergeevich :blobcat_googly_aww: Класс! Увы, я не могу поучаствовать сегодня: ни с того ни с сего кое-кто освободился пораньше и планирует рано вставать (мой говор будет мешать спать). :blobcatgooglyholdingitsheadinitshands: :blobfoxcry2: Yesterdays link to the Let‘s Encrypt blog dragged in some people who seem to think that CAs are unnecessary or even evil. LE is s very small group who set out to improve the terrible CA situation and the fucking middle box corruptions. They did that successfully with a budget that a medium sized city spends on its department for car license plates. So, my advice: don‘t yell at people who made the world somewhat better or you‘ll soon run out of ones who try.💁🏻♂️
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@icing CAs are a what you could call a "necessary evil", like lots of things in today's society, but i don't consider LE to be bad, compared to what other corporations do. It was an initiative to improve security on the web and it has been successful. Although, to be honest, i would like to see a more decentralized option being adopted instead.
По поводу анонса 4-го Ведьмака у меня особых чувств нет. Может, потому, что я в предыдущие три части не играл? In today's picture: Corvus crassirostris (known as thick-billed raven). #CORVUSPHERE #CorvusCrassirostris #ThickBilledRaven :crow: @CORVUSPHERE The name doesn't even do that massive bill justice :neofox_googly_shocked:
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@janetlogan To give another idea about how bad things are getting in US culture, some pro-Trump asshole who no doubt worships Pinochet posted "first they came for the communists and I did not speak out-because I was refueling the helicopters." We had problems with Pinochet lovers last time around but I fear this time will be worse @janetlogan As one who has been friendly with the trans community for 41 of my 58 years, I've boosted your fine post. @janetlogan I also spoke out because it's the right thing to do, even if They™️ wouldn't come for me later - which they will, but we don't have to find a reason why it affects us personally to seek justice for other people. Empathy will do just fine. Народ, крч гвря, мне скучно. Если этот пост наберёт 50 звёздочек, то... нет, я не мяукну на весь Федиверс, для вас я могу сделать это за бесплатно. Мяу. (ㆁωㆁ) Кхм... Если этот пост наберёт 50 звёздочек, то я до конца года организую краткую лекцию с анализом сюжета 'Большого куша' Гая Ричи с т.з. бриллианта". И с графиками. Срок до следующего понедельника. Удачи, джентльмены.
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