For all you cis folks. Feel free to boost.
Yeah. Niemoller was a Luthern pastor. I have to wonder about his personal opinions of the LGBT community. @janetlogan @CharlotteEowyn dunno but I've heard he was an antisemitic asshole who only changed when they started going after HIM so there's that Yep. I personally feel that if Niemöller had actually been remorseful, it would have motivated him to be honest about what he did. But maybe that's just me. It seems that you are correct about Neimoller. @CharlotteEowyn @janetlogan disabled people were arguably targeted first. also left out. Romani people lost probably more as a share of their total population than any other group and they are left out. not a coincidence imo. @janetlogan The failed public school system is not teaching WWII history much. It's for compliance, not critical thinking. You mean that the public school system succeeds in what it strives to be, which is not teaching the history of minorities? @Amoshias @janetlogan I spoke out because I'm Jewish and it may start with trans people but it'll always end with Jews. @crazyeddie @Amoshias @janetlogan or queer people or romani or irish or native americans or..., but Jews are dying at some step of the process, assuming there are reasonable numbers of Jews there. Those who use genocide to advance political ends will always be able to find another target when they run out of the first one. That's really the point of the original poem in my mind. It never stops once it is allowed to start. And make no mistake, the intent of the attacks on #trans people is our genocide. @janetlogan @crazyeddie @Amoshias pretty much. I think it's true of any state with a large apparatus that has been trained to view killing people as normal and good; you don't want to be next, so you redirect their anger, always redirect it. But eventually all the people you're directing your anger at flee or die, so you turn your anger to another group. Trumpism is Sado-Populism. The cruelty is the point. The purpose the cruelty serves is to satiate oneself into feeling good about punishing others. The punishment, once begun, cannot end- especially when an entire political party has made punishment their identity. For this reason, concentration camps are not only possible, but likely. @trabex @janetlogan GEO and CXW are the two I know about. Not that I'm endorsing buying in, but keeping an eye on their trends might provide some advance warning for at-risk groups. Wouldn't those just be run by private prison companies? I doubt many of them have moral qualms about anything. For non-rich people, subsumation of the ego / self is a common practice in public life. ie, "no shirt, no shoes, no service." For rich people, the ego / self need not be subsumed because one can simply create circumstances in which one's desires can be met, regardless of how objectionable or illegal they might be. Western society uses punishment as a means of social correction not because it works (it doesn't) but because it feels good to those who aren't victims. @trabex @janetlogan i am trying to fight the urge to sign every email with "see you at camp!" @janetlogan I agree with the sentiment, but I can't help but feel that 'speaking out' is kinda a nothing move. Takes little courage to put the world to rights online. Real life action is so much more important. @ChrisWere There are no nothing moves except those that needlessly condemn. You could so easily have used her post as a rallying point. Let’s support every effort no matter what and look for ways to build on it. Her post would be great on a sign in the back window of a car. (Removed or turned over when you weren’t in the vehicle.) @janetlogan @Pineywoozle @janetlogan People are always allowed to make their own choices. I for one will continue to protect my trans friends in the community. @ChrisWere The two aren’t mutually exclusive. Glad you’re working in your community. @janetlogan @Pineywoozle @janetlogan It's something I feel very strongly about. I'm not condemning - promise. I've just had some friends be the victim of some bigoted violence this year. @ChrisWere I’m sorry about your friends. It’s gonna be a rough few years. We’re gonna need every voice raised. ❤️ @janetlogan You can also speak up immediately because there's no group of people just existing that the government should be "coming for." Whether you think the rest of the poem includes you or not. @janetlogan And I’ll continue to write them because they need to hear that they’re bigots. @janetlogan And because as a Queer culture, non-monagamous Bi man I am certain I am next in line. @janetlogan Seems we all might need each other. Crucial Communism Teaching Act, passed almost unanimously in the US House, will make it mandatory for schools to teach the “evils” of communism and the “glory” of capitalism. Next will be loyalty oaths and chucking comrades in jail. @janetlogan Nope. First Herbicide Firm Syngenta came for the frogs: @MrPerfect72 @janetlogan Actually, since that was not consensual for the frogs, this is a forced transition imposed on frogs, essentially equivalent to the forced detransition Trump, Vance, DeSantis, Abbot, Paxton and the rest of the "Christian State" pack are trying to impose on the entire US trans population @janetlogan To give another idea about how bad things are getting in US culture, some pro-Trump asshole who no doubt worships Pinochet posted "first they came for the communists and I did not speak out-because I was refueling the helicopters." We had problems with Pinochet lovers last time around but I fear this time will be worse @janetlogan As one who has been friendly with the trans community for 41 of my 58 years, I've boosted your fine post. @janetlogan I also spoke out because it's the right thing to do, even if They™️ wouldn't come for me later - which they will, but we don't have to find a reason why it affects us personally to seek justice for other people. Empathy will do just fine. |
@janetlogan the hilarious part is the original poem leaves us out even though we were the first fucking ones to go.