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'i am no man' Charlotte Eowyn!

@janetlogan the hilarious part is the original poem leaves us out even though we were the first fucking ones to go.

Janet Logan (she/her) 🏳️‍⚧️


Yeah. Niemoller was a Luthern pastor. I have to wonder about his personal opinions of the LGBT community.

a fish named dog 🎗️

@janetlogan @CharlotteEowyn dunno but I've heard he was an antisemitic asshole who only changed when they started going after HIM so there's that


@janetlogan @FishNamedDog @CharlotteEowyn

It's worse than you think I'm afraid.

Niemöller actively campaigned on behalf of the NSDAP during the election in which the Nazis took power. He described Hitler as "the man of providence" and claimed that voting for him was the only way to keep Germany christian and non-communist. Later, when Hitler was in power and it was too late, he turned against the Nazis.

After the war Niemöller claimed remorse and tried to rewrite history to make it seem as if he had always been antifascist. This largely worked: most people only know him as the man who did not speak out against Hitler, rather than the man who spoke out loudly and repeatedly in favour of Hitler.

@janetlogan @FishNamedDog @CharlotteEowyn

It's worse than you think I'm afraid.

Niemöller actively campaigned on behalf of the NSDAP during the election in which the Nazis took power. He described Hitler as "the man of providence" and claimed that voting for him was the only way to keep Germany christian and non-communist. Later, when Hitler was in power and it was too late, he turned against the Nazis.




I personally feel that if Niemöller had actually been remorseful, it would have motivated him to be honest about what he did. But maybe that's just me.

Elenna :verified_transgender:​

@CharlotteEowyn @janetlogan disabled people were arguably targeted first. also left out. Romani people lost probably more as a share of their total population than any other group and they are left out. not a coincidence imo.

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