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Winter Trabex


Trumpism is Sado-Populism. The cruelty is the point. The purpose the cruelty serves is to satiate oneself into feeling good about punishing others. The punishment, once begun, cannot end- especially when an entire political party has made punishment their identity.

For this reason, concentration camps are not only possible, but likely.


@trabex @janetlogan
"Fun" fact:
There are a few companies that build, run, and maintain detention centres in the US that can be found openly trading on the stock market.

GEO and CXW are the two I know about.

Not that I'm endorsing buying in, but keeping an eye on their trends might provide some advance warning for at-risk groups.

Winter Trabex

@pockets @janetlogan

Wouldn't those just be run by private prison companies? I doubt many of them have moral qualms about anything.


It sounds like you're asking me for details about something I have only surface information about.

Let's start with the "easy" part of your comment, morality.

What's the quote about nobody thinks they're evil? In searching the web, I found a few variations, but not the exact one I wanted. Andrew McCarthy's is pretty close ("Nobody thinks they're evil or bad, they think that they're doing the right thing.")

I have enough trouble discerning the morality and motivations of neurotypical people who seem to have context-based fluctuations largely centered around "what they can get away with". If I tried to figure out the motivations of people working in an industry that I find deplorable, I worry I might drown.

Now to the more difficult part, because it's less subjective.

When I do a websearch for "private prison companies", I get:
- an article from Muckrock dated 2015 for top three corporations in the industry, two of them are the ones I mentioned above.
- a document from Prison Legal News dated 2017 for a partial listing of privatized correctional services companies. The two top names under Facility Operations are "GEO Group" and "CoreCivic", which are the two I highlighted above. Also, several of the other names on the list are denoted on the list of being subsidiaries of those two companies.
- an article from dated from 2024, which specifically highlights four companies, two of which are the ones I listed above.
- a direct link to the CoreCivic wikipedia page.
- a second article from dated from 2018 that describes CXW and GEO as the two largest private prison corps, "collectively manage over half of the private prison contracts in the [US]".

Furthermore, I have seen stock investment advice for Trump's second term that specifically mentions prison stocks of GEO, CXW, and AXON (hey, there's a third one!).

Edited for a typo in the second mention of ""

It sounds like you're asking me for details about something I have only surface information about.

Let's start with the "easy" part of your comment, morality.

What's the quote about nobody thinks they're evil? In searching the web, I found a few variations, but not the exact one I wanted. Andrew McCarthy's is pretty close ("Nobody thinks they're evil or bad, they think that they're doing the right thing.")

Winter Trabex


For non-rich people, subsumation of the ego / self is a common practice in public life. ie, "no shirt, no shoes, no service."

For rich people, the ego / self need not be subsumed because one can simply create circumstances in which one's desires can be met, regardless of how objectionable or illegal they might be.

Western society uses punishment as a means of social correction not because it works (it doesn't) but because it feels good to those who aren't victims.


Sorry, I ain't got no idea of what you just said or what it has to do with anything I just said. Be a dear and dumb it down for me?


@trabex @janetlogan i am trying to fight the urge to sign every email with "see you at camp!"

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