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Team KeePassXC

Following the recent discussion around the Debian decision to ship KeePassXC without any of its optional modules, we've seen some extreme misconceptions floating around the internet regarding what the WITH_XC_NETWORKING=OFF compile flag actually does.

Let us be clear: KeePassXC does NOT "randomly" connect to the internet in the background, regardless of whether you build with the flag on or off. Claims to the contrary of KeePassXC "surfing in the background" or "calling home" are false.


Team KeePassXC

KeePassXC connects with the internet in only three situations:

1) to check for updates (we ask you first if you agree to that and this feature is disabled in downstream packages such as Debian's anyway)

2) when you manually click the button to download a website's favicon on the Edit Entry form

3) when you decide to check your credentials against the online Hibp service (again, by explicitly clicking a button).


Team KeePassXC

Debian Users - Be aware the maintainer of the KeePassXC package for Debian has unilaterally decided to remove ALL features from it. You will need to switch to `keepassxc-full` to maintain capabilities once this lands outside of testing/sid.

Team KeePassXC

👋 Hey there! Whatcha doing tonight? That's what we thought, you are installing KeePassXC 2.7.8! We just released and are happy to provide plenty of improvements to our passkeys support and a slew of bug fixes and enhancements to make you feel awesome.

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Okay...okay :linuxmint:

@keepassxc If only KeepassDX by @kunzisoft supported Passkeys now. If you think the same, consider donating to the project.

Paul Spiesberger

@keepassxc thanks for the great application, big fan since a long time!

Updated yesterday my Flatpak version under Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and my passwords file could not be opened any more. So I removed it and installed it again as a .deb which worked. But it's still the previous version in the Ubuntu Repos.

Team KeePassXC

Passkeys! Passkeys! Come get yur Passkeys!!
We have released KeePassXC 2.7.7 with full support for Passkeys through the browser integration service. This release also brings 1Password and Bitwarden importers and many other enhancements. Read more here:

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Diane 🕵



Do you know anything about keepassdx's plans for passkeys?


@keepassxc Tried to add a passkey login to three different @Discourse servers. Creating the keepassxc passkey works, using to login fails.

Any idea what’s wrong ?


@keepassxc maybe I should abandon Keepass vanilla...

Team KeePassXC

Happy to release 2.7.6 today! Not a big release but brings a few bug fixes and improvements. We are now going to focus all energy towards 2.8.0.


@keepassxc Are there plans to support Passkeys for 2.8.0?


@keepassxc Can we see what feature are going to be in 2.8.0 ?

Jason Lefkowitz

@keepassxc Keep up the great work!

Signed, one more happy KeePassXC user 😀​

Team KeePassXC

Today we are proud to release KeePassXC 2.7.5! 🔐🥳🥂
Read more at and download it now

Joel :void: :casio:

@keepassxc always a joy to get a new update of this fantastic software

Gil 🤘🏽

@keepassxc I'm so glad to have KeePassXC in my life.


@keepassxc great work!!! Happy to know #keepassxc is live and maintained;-)

Team KeePassXC

Today we are announcing the release of our first Audit Report conducted by an independent security consultant:

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Yellow Flag

@keepassxc Unfortunately, it’s a very limited review. It also makes some incorrect claims:

> [The new KeePass 4 KDBX file format] is more secure than its predecessor, as it adds protected stream functionality and authentication to the
database encryption

No, protected stream functionality was already present in KDBX 3, merely with its parameters being specified in plain text rather than encrypted. Given that this functionality is obfuscation and not actual protection, this shouldn’t matter.

Encryption authentication was also present in KDBX 3 already, merely implemented in a different way.

Whether any of this improves the security of the database is questionable. But the Argon2 KDF introduced with KDBX 4 definitely does, and that clearly is a reason to migrate.

*Edit*: I do agree with the suggestions however. KeePassXC should not silently accept insecure databases – be it outdated database versions, bad KDF parameters or anything else. Ideally, users should be warned in understandable terms and offered an automatic upgrade.

@keepassxc Unfortunately, it’s a very limited review. It also makes some incorrect claims:

> [The new KeePass 4 KDBX file format] is more secure than its predecessor, as it adds protected stream functionality and authentication to the
database encryption

No, protected stream functionality was already present in KDBX 3, merely with its parameters being specified in plain text rather than encrypted. Given that this functionality is obfuscation and not actual protection, this shouldn’t matter.



> select at least 2048 MiB
memory usage

The memory recommendation is a bit too high, imo. I've tried previously with 2048 MiB (threads ~2, transform round was higher) on my laptop with 8 gigs of ram/dual core. It takes a significant amount of time to open and the application freezes. On mobile (4gb/octa core) it just times out. These aren't very old or low spec-ed devices.

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