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Team KeePassXC

Passkeys! Passkeys! Come get yur Passkeys!!
We have released KeePassXC 2.7.7 with full support for Passkeys through the browser integration service. This release also brings 1Password and Bitwarden importers and many other enhancements. Read more here:

Jason Lefkowitz

@keepassxc I am so thrilled to see this! Thank you for all your hard work.


@keepassxc I created a passkey for GitHub using Strongbox on safari on macOS.
I then tried using KeePassXC on Firefox to login but it failed.
GitHub login page opened up KeePassXC window where KeePassXC showed the passkey, and I selected it. Took me back to GitHub website that said “failed to login using passkeys, try password instead.

Tried Strongbox again after that, but this time also on Firefox - that worked.

I thought Strongbox and KeePassXC should be compatible regarding passkeys?

@keepassxc I created a passkey for GitHub using Strongbox on safari on macOS.
I then tried using KeePassXC on Firefox to login but it failed.
GitHub login page opened up KeePassXC window where KeePassXC showed the passkey, and I selected it. Took me back to GitHub website that said “failed to login using passkeys, try password instead.

@keepassxc Thank you for making my favorite desktop client for keepass. I recently discovered that Browser Integration. And its awsome. Especially since autotype sometimes works and sometimes not on wayland.

@keepassxc Throwing away the gnome keyring and replacing it with KeePass is becoming ever more appealing

Bart Groeneveld

@keepassxc How is that only a patch release? Something major like that would get version 2.8 in my world.

(I mean, what spectacular changes can we expect in 2.8 then?)

Team KeePassXC

@bartavi passkeys are optional independent code, we didn't modify core functionality. The login flow changes are arguably too much for a second digit release, but those rules are very arbitrary.

upyesp :debian:

@keepassxc Fantastic news! Thanks to everyone involved.
KeepassXC is a consistently high quality project.

grob 🇺🇦

@keepassxc time to try them I guess! No excuses anymore.

Mark Crocker

@keepassxc Woohoo! Now I just have to wait for #KeePassDX to implement the feature and it will be safe to start using this'd #PassKeys feature.


@keepassxc I didn't even see this announcement! I was just reading through the docs and realized I had an old version. Regardless, I have more or less migrated. This is awesome

Diane 🕵



Do you know anything about keepassdx's plans for passkeys?


@keepassxc Tried to add a passkey login to three different @Discourse servers. Creating the keepassxc passkey works, using to login fails.

Any idea what’s wrong ?


@keepassxc maybe I should abandon Keepass vanilla...

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