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Chris :steamdeck2:

@gamingonlinux I'm always ready for a little more roguelite action in-between larger games. And, at $2, it's a no-brainer to grab it and check it out. Downloading now.

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@gamingonlinux Wow, one exec finally paid attention to their field, flaggerbasting

Professor Code

@gamingonlinux I know Sony made a mistake but I feel like the outcome and customers' response to the forced login should have been obvious from the get-go.

Still, I am glad they turned it around. 🙂

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Ray Of Sunlight

@gamingonlinux I wish people were smart, this way companies would stop maling stupid and greedy decisions, because at the end of the day, THE CONSUMERS have power over THE COMPANIES


@gamingonlinux not sure I agree with this, I think government intervention is the best approach here — the law we need is basically exactly the EU cookie law but for online services: any server or account that is genuinely required to make the game work is allowed without change but ones that exist purely to track or police users must be strictly optional and users can't be penalised for opting out. The penalty can be the same: 4% of gross income. The EU passing that law seems to me way more realistic than expecting consumers to boycott basically the entire AAA games industry when that industry has been basically evil for years now and hasn't been boycotted out of that yet.

@gamingonlinux not sure I agree with this, I think government intervention is the best approach here — the law we need is basically exactly the EU cookie law but for online services: any server or account that is genuinely required to make the game work is allowed without change but ones that exist purely to track or police users must be strictly optional and users can't be penalised for opting out. The penalty can be the same: 4% of gross income. The EU passing that law seems to me way more realistic...


@gamingonlinux it would be nice to see a similar petition where the ask it to have a publication of the server side software as open source or even source available so communities car run their own servers or even on localhost

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

If you wondering how I deal with anti-trans people in the @gamingonlinux Discord this should give you an idea:

I don't stand for it.


@gamingonlinux I thought for a second that I missed an announcement of the next generation of Steam Machines called "Steam PC".


@gamingonlinux How to ruine an otherwise great game case study nr. 327



Now I don't feel as bad that I couldn't afford it.


@gamingonlinux They fully expected the backlash, maybe the players will have to actually massively request refunds or something to make Sony reconsider.

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

I think Valve needs to make it clearer for games on Steam that *require* an external account. Re: Helldivers 2.

Yeah it was on store page since release saying so, i mentioned that before, but only if you scroll down to see it.

Valve should explicitly note it on checkout too.

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And while they're at it: They should make it clear(er) for games in Steam that require an external launcher. I am so sick if coming back to games that previously ran fine on Proton but now suddenly don't because the maintainers decided to add a launcher that fucks stuff up.

Kalafiorek 💚

@gamingonlinux I disagree. The same case could be used for tons of other stuff that someone think is an important factor, while it doesn't matter for others.

There should be a limit on amount of onscreen pop-up bloat the user receives.

It should be well visible on the store page, but there's no need to babysit every step taken by the buyer, else they'll hurt their finger. Also, there's a refund period in case you felt mislead, so it's not like there's any room for nefarious practises.

Gentleman Technologist

@gamingonlinux had this a few times. Bought a game, downloaded it, opened it, and immediately refunded it because I can't play without creating some bullshit external account. Luckily Steam accepts "it needs an external account" as a valid reason to refund.
Bethesda, you would sell more games if you let us play with our Steam accounts. Just saying.

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Hello, I will play some Linux games over at in about 15 minutes. Tonight's menu: "A Monster's Expedition" and "RUN: The world in-between". Then we'll continue with Shadow of the Tomb Raider. See you in the chat!

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@gamingonlinux Nintendo still hasn't grasped how modern technology works it seems.

It's settled, the day switch 2 is going to be announced I'm going to buy another #steamDeck for friends and family -- because I'm that kind of petty consumerist revenge robot 🤷‍♀️

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