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Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

PSA - If your Steam Deck or Steam on Linux has started failing to download or launch Proton games, you may have caught a bad config from Valve's servers.

We believe the problem is fixed now, but you need to delete a cache file locally (`~/.steam/steam/userdata/<steamid>/config/compat.vdf` where <steamid> is your id).

See for details.

#steam #linuxgaming #steamdeck

I've tried walking average users through deleting a file in a hidden directory before. It might be quicker to just have them factory-reset their Steam Decks
Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

Sigh. Google flagged as containing "Malicious or unwanted software" with no way on the adsense control panel to speak to them, to get them to recheck it.

It's a news article about a game, that links to the GPL source code (GitHub) and a Steam page.

What about that is "Malicious or unwanted software" exactly?

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@gamingonlinux malicious blah blah is anything they don't force you to keep xD


@gamingonlinux it sucks that Google dominates web search. I've switched to using DuckDuckGo and Ecosia. I know Bing powers them, but still more refreshing to use those services. I hope Google doesn't keep you down!

Chris :steamdeck2:

@gamingonlinux it looks really interesting and I may check it out. Puzzle games have never been my strong-suit, and can lead to frustration if they're too difficult or obtuse for me, but I still enjoy playing some of them.

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@gamingonlinux For a publisher struggling to release good games and hoping to finally find success in Japan, shutting down Tango (who just had a big hit) seems like an especially dumb move.


@gamingonlinux ouch - I knew a lot of those folks :-(

Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

Ah Mastodon, it never fails. Whenever I point out somewhere else to follow or join, there's *always* replies telling me how much they don't want it or don't want to see it.

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@gamingonlinux it's not Mastodon, I think it's the tech community in general. What you are describing is exactly why I've grown my audiences separate from my tech channel.

"I don't want to see it!"

Then.. doing fucking look at it? Idk, people need to grow up.


@gamingonlinux Thatโ€™s dumb of them. Other platforms do exist and someone like yourself would be hurting themselves not using several of them for reach (and of course mentioning on all of them where all they can follow) ๐Ÿ™„

Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

Our Discord has a channel for people to point out free games and good sales, why not come take a look:

Felix Urbasik

@gamingonlinux I know "why not come take a look?" was a rhetorical question, but to me the answer is that I prefer to avoid the progressively enshittified Discord. Sorry for ruining the mood.


@gamingonlinux and now I've shared your discord deals channel to our Portuguese Steam Deck deals channel discord server. ๐Ÿ˜…

Tarcรญsio Surdi

@gamingonlinux I had no clue this was a distro specific issue! Ever since switching to Linux I had to retire my VR headset since I couldnโ€™t get it to work.

Seeing that Valve is working on this makes me hopeful to try it out again soon!

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@gamingonlinux i was excited to hear about a platform agnostic linux gaming OS. Then i heard about the crypto integration and it pushed me away. I'm glad it's only a partner and not core to the system, but still risky for a first start. I'm not against crypto but i do feel it's being overused just like AI. Hopefully Playtron does well to bring some competition into the space. I'm currently enjoying ChimeraOS on my gaming rig, but being based on steamOS, i'm interested in alternatives.

Rasmus Lindegaard


> What does Playtron have to do with Crypto?

FFFFuuuuu.... I hope the answer would be less than nothing.

> Is PlaytronOS open source?
> At first, only the operating system code will be open source. We have plans to open source more...

Yeah, I really hope they mean that seriously. I want gaming to happen on Linux, but I'd really like everything that does not strictly have to be proprietary for business sustainability to be Open Source, and preferrably Free as in Freedom.

Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

Sigh. Google flagged as containing "Malicious or unwanted software" with no way on the adsense control panel to speak to them, to get them to recheck it.

It's a news article about a game, that links to the GPL source code (GitHub) and a Steam page.

What about that is "Malicious or unwanted software" exactly?

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@gamingonlinux malicious blah blah is anything they don't force you to keep xD


@gamingonlinux it sucks that Google dominates web search. I've switched to using DuckDuckGo and Ecosia. I know Bing powers them, but still more refreshing to use those services. I hope Google doesn't keep you down!



Is Open XR the thing that would let me view websites/media inside a window in steam/vr?

Someday need to figure that out for Elite Dangerous....

Liam @ GamingOnLinux ๐Ÿง๐ŸŽฎ

My pal @gardiner_bryant just released Dudelings: Arcade Sportsball on Steam. It's basically Pong meets Foosball - check it out:

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