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67 posts total

обожаю такое, фикс на три строчки, сообщение коммита на полсотни строчек


Please remember that Mastodon doesn't have a marketing team or budget. Whatever media coverage Mastodon gets is from inbound interest from journalists. The growth of the platform has been predominantly through word of mouth. If you want the fediverse to grow, tell your friends.


If you like the work that we do--the upcoming 4.3 release, the nightlies for the past year, if you're a user of, or our official apps, or a fork that depends on our work--consider supporting us on Patreon. Mastodon doesn't do ads and doesn't sell your data, so we depend entirely on your support via crowdfunding:

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I'm looking forward to the 4:3 release of Mastodon, it's a classic aspect ratio


@Gargron I haven’t been able to use the news tab in almost a month without the app crashing. It’s basically taken me off the app. :(


1/ At least 50,000 Russian convicts have joined the Russian army, with tens of thousands dying in battles in Ukraine. Convicts are still joining, but what makes them want to risk death? Prisoners say that sadistic treatment in penal colonies makes war preferable to prison. ⬇️


2/ Many of the Russian convicts who went to war in Ukraine were imprisoned in the Omsk region, where jails have a reputation for extreme brutality, even by Russian standards. The independent Russian media project 'Okno' ('Window') has been speaking with former inmates.


для настолько холмистого города в Хельсинки удивительное количество фиксеров


папа скинул мне мем про «продоёте рыбов» (оргинальный)… 🥺


алсо господи, в какой же шизопритон превратился твиттор, просто пизда


накидал в Комуте гравийный маршрут вокруг своего B&B в Вантаа по рандомным точкам, показавшимся мне интересными.

итог — потрясающие лесные синглтреки, гравийки, с черникой и брусникой, да ещё и в городской черте.

я в полном восторге.

зачем я до сих пор живу в Амстердаме?


Mactracker is an app containing a database of technical specs for Apple products. You can get it for macOS or iOS.

I only use it once a year, if that, but when I do, like I did just now, I often make a donation. I have a soft spot for projects like Mactracker. It's been a good thing for a very long time.


приехал я, значит, в Финляндию, и в первый же день застал одно из самых ярких северных сияний в своей жизни


но вернёмся к важным вопросам: я не могу избавиться от мысли, что название вайфай-сети в немецких скоростных поездах это осознанная отсылка к одному там аниме про фигурное катание

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