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74 posts total
Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

We saw interest from businesses much earlier than we expected to. It turns out companies want the same thing consumers do: deeper ownership and product longevity. We launched the Framework for Business portal today to continue to scale that:


@frameworkcomputer ooh nice :drake_like: that's actually pretty cool, and when i'm ready to get a new laptop, i'll know which company to go for

Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

We shipped the first Framework Laptops almost exactly two years ago. It feels like we've gone through a couple of lifetimes since then! (post from 2021)

Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

If you want to be one of the first people to try out a Framework Laptop 16, we'll have pre-production demo systems on hand at LTXexpo this weekend in Vancouver. This is our first ever public event, so stop by the booth to say hi!

We'll also have special limited edition merch to hand out to anyone who stops by with their Framework Laptop or a preorder for an upcoming one. 🎁

Rasmus Lindegaard

@frameworkcomputer i just want to be able to order a framework laptop. The 13" one.

Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

Something fun @jorge put together for the community -

Fedora configured, done and done, out of the box? This community fan project is absolutely worth trying. It's pretty darned impressive.

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@frameworkcomputer Curious, is Framework not entirely functional on on stock Silverblue or is this just a test of a custom image?

poes :pla:

@frameworkcomputer ga heran kalo nantinya framework bakal shipping laptop dengan OS seperti system76 dengan pop OS! nya

Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

Part of why Framework Laptop DIY Editions enable you to bring your own memory and storage if you prefer.

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SkaveRat 🐀 :verified:

@frameworkcomputer my previous laptop had 64GB in it. would have been a shame to not "migrate" it over.

The option to not select any memory was awesome in this case

Curtis Carter

@frameworkcomputer I'm hoping my preferred brand of memory is available somewhere once we get the laptop in, otherwise I may have to just order some from the store. Thanks for the choice.


@frameworkcomputer This is why I detest the fact soldered RAM has become the norm these days - forcing an early upcharge on something that you used to be able to swap out and upgrade easily down the line.

Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

"We would like to be all snarky and cynical about the new gadget, but in conscience, we can't: it genuinely does sound pretty good."

We built something that even TheRegister likes.


@frameworkcomputer I already see the first upgrade I want. A trackpad with hardware mouse buttons. I find myself not using otherwise good laptops that do not have those.


@frameworkcomputer All the customizability is great, but when will you have an answer for this?

et konsept fra BAR

@frameworkcomputer Hey guys, love your work! But I have to say that I'm a little bit miffed that you don't sell your laptops with Linux on them. I know you can buy with no OS and install it yourself, but why are you giving convenience to Windows users that you don't give to Linux users? There's a lot of people who would have no idea what to do with a laptop with no OS on it. This is also about visibility, lots of people don't even know there is an alternative to Windows. Please show that!

Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

It got buried under the other news this week, but Kimber Streams at
wirecutter did a great writeup on why product longevity is so rare in Consumer Electronics:

Conley Edwards

@frameworkcomputer I have an apple macmini that I ran as my daily driver for 13 years! Upgraded it with an SSD and some more RAM and the thing kept on chugging - love a streak like that!

Andrew Wedlake

@frameworkcomputer A fantastic company, providing the leadership and innovation that Apple and other computer companies won’t do.

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@frameworkcomputer jokes aside, you know what would be really dope? A track point option. Great if you don't want to move from the home row while typing or if you are in a workplace that demands glove use etc.

Aperture! need the slimline keyboard to enable the power of small keyboard two numpad

Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

We started designing the Input Module system on Framework Laptop 16 after learning that there was almost exactly a 50/50 split between people who love numpads and people who hate them. Looking at our first 24 hours of pre-order data, that is spot on!

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@frameworkcomputer do you have plans to offer keyboard modules with trackpoint? my rsi and that being a solution for it is the thing that keeps me on ThinkPads.


@frameworkcomputer I like num pads, but also am left handed, so I always opt for TKL keyboards. The num pad module that can be placed to the left is ideal for lefties like me.

Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

Wanted to thank everyone here for making this an amazing Mastodon experience. We're excited about what the Framework 16 has to offer and remain blown away at the community response.

Barkeeper Tom :damnified:

@frameworkcomputer although my current laptop is running fine and I won't be able to afford a Framework laptop "just like that" in the near future, I'm super excited about what you're doing!

And when my laptop fails one day, I'll certainly consider buying a Framework laptop!

Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

Before every launch, we run a contest internally to guess the number of pre-orders we'll get in the first 24 hours. We're already past even the most optimistic guess on the team (and we're a team of extreme optimists).

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Brett Kosinski

@frameworkcomputer Absolutely amazing, congratulations! I've had my 13 for a while now and I absolutely love it and have been singing it's praises to anyone who'll listen. Just ordered my wife the 16 and now we have to wait ever so patiently...

Rassilonian Legate

By the time I woke up this morning and checked my email on my phone it was already batch 2

I can't wait for batch 2 to come around Q4, I've been excited for this sense I first heard about it


@frameworkcomputer I would 100 percent have ordered one, but you only ship to Australia and I can't guarantee when I will be there next 😕

AudraTran :debian:

@frameworkcomputer YouTube Shorts are not fun. They're even worse than YouTube Longs. Try PeerTube instead.

Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

The site is now back up and running. For context, this is by far the most server load we've ever seen, and also the fastest we've ever sold out of Batch 1 of pre-orders.

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Anachron :void:

@frameworkcomputer launches a product and the world stops to buy their products.

Isn't it hilarious how Framework took all of the lame reasonings for creating consumer-unfriendly devices away in an instant?


@frameworkcomputer congrats on the launch! the computer looks great!

Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

And so it begins....

"Nirav, Founder & CEO of Framework sat down with Frank Azor, Chief Architect of Gaming Solutions & Marketing at AMD to discuss partnership, innovation, and revolutionary design that brought this laptop to life!“

Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

While our team works through un-melting our servers, check out the hands-on deep dive from Sean Hollister at The Verge:

Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

A peek at the Framework Laptop 16 clear keyboard (with per-key RGB!)

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@frameworkcomputer Is this RGB stuff addressable via OpenRGB?
If not, please consider it.


@frameworkcomputer Shipping to rest of the EU please, it's OK to pay in € and having English international layout... I'm begging you

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Antifa Warlord

@frameworkcomputer Please make a 16:9 version sometime, I would make that my next and final laptop!

jfml ✨ Jonas Laugs

@frameworkcomputer Image-description: A photo of Frameworks new 16" laptop on a lightblue background, there's a (very cool) illustration of lots of computers on the laptop's screen #NotAltTextNoBoost +___+

Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

We're close to fully in stock on Framework Laptop 13 (13th Gen Intel Core). DIY Edition orders ship from inventory within 5 business days, and pre-built configurations will soon.

David :gnome: :silverblue:

@frameworkcomputer waiting on my batch 1 AMD bundle (patiently?!?), but when will you take the rest of my money?


@frameworkcomputer I'm just hoping I get a chance to buy a 16 before I'm forced to buy something else. I can't wait forever, I need a new computer, but the lack of communication on release schedule has been stupidly frustrating.

Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

The power is yours. Our latest Framework Laptop 16 deep dive is on the 85Wh battery and quad speakers driven by a smart amp:

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@frameworkcomputer Awww, I was hoping for a 100-watt battery, tbh (hopefully in the future?)

Anachron :void:

@frameworkcomputer if only it had a 8K touchscreen oled display that can be folded and clipped downwards, that was my last wish for the perfect laptop. /s

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