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Framework :fedora: :ubuntu:

Before every launch, we run a contest internally to guess the number of pre-orders we'll get in the first 24 hours. We're already past even the most optimistic guess on the team (and we're a team of extreme optimists).


@frameworkcomputer I just preordered my Framework 16, I'm extremely excited!

cybik :deifirev:

@frameworkcomputer this is bloody nuts. Congratulations on a succesful (pre-)launch!


If there'd been an option for touchscreen and pen support, I probably would have ordered one myself.


Ivan :blobcatverified:

I think that I'm asking for so much here but: When do you have shipments and/or retailers in Mexico? I WANT A CUSTOM NEW BRAND LINUX LAPTOP (it's one of my dreams XD )

Patrick Poitras :opensuse:

@frameworkcomputer I really like the deposit-only structure, because it gives me 6 months to gather up the money.


@frameworkcomputer Wow, two quarters sold out in a day! I got in batch 5 so at least I'll get it this year.

AGTMADCAT :verified:

@frameworkcomputer So if I were going to evaluate buying these for my company, at this point it's definitely a next year project, sounds like?

Bill :tux: 🌌

@frameworkcomputer you guys underestimate how boring laptop space has been and all your products are the best thing that has happened in laptop market in a very long time


@frameworkcomputer I've got one for myself today and I'm so excited! Congrats on the successful launch :)

Kegan Myers

@frameworkcomputer Wait, did y’all launch the 16 and not send an email about it? And now I have to wait extra months because you’re so successful? I am so happy/mad for/at you.

Brett Kosinski

@frameworkcomputer Absolutely amazing, congratulations! I've had my 13 for a while now and I absolutely love it and have been singing it's praises to anyone who'll listen. Just ordered my wife the 16 and now we have to wait ever so patiently...

Rassilonian Legate

By the time I woke up this morning and checked my email on my phone it was already batch 2

I can't wait for batch 2 to come around Q4, I've been excited for this sense I first heard about it


@frameworkcomputer I would 100 percent have ordered one, but you only ship to Australia and I can't guarantee when I will be there next πŸ˜•


@frameworkcomputer actually I think I will just ask my family in Australia if I can ship one to them πŸ€”

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