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Rule 34

@frameworkcomputer Hey guys, love your work! But I have to say that I'm a little bit miffed that you don't sell your laptops with Linux on them. I know you can buy with no OS and install it yourself, but why are you giving convenience to Windows users that you don't give to Linux users? There's a lot of people who would have no idea what to do with a laptop with no OS on it. This is also about visibility, lots of people don't even know there is an alternative to Windows. Please show that!

1 comment
Rule 34

@frameworkcomputer It's so strange that you use the Fedora and Ubuntu logos in your handle on here without selling machines with those on. Don't you think? I think at least. When we talk about the small Linux share the lack of hardware with Linux pre-installed vs the total dominance of pre-installed Windows machines often is one of the first things that comes up. Please think about the positive impact you could have!

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