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2,571 posts total
Eugen Rochko

Devin Townsend will have a concert in Berlin on Nov 27... Hm...

Raj Against The Machine

@Gargron lucky sonofagun. I missed him when he performed here :(

Eugen Rochko

Feel free to use cross-posting in a way that helps Mastodon grow, i.e. copying posts from Mastodon to Twitter, but please avoid doing it the other way around, see our rules on that matter:

Thank you for understanding!

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@Gargron @stux as such when I retweeted @Gargron's post, it was only retooted to Mastodon, not on twitter, this when I already use cross-posting twidere. I see the point of bringing twitter content to mastodon, when we as person want to do the same. 😁

Vimoh Live 🎙️

@Gargron There is an option to mark an account as a bit in the settings. What is that for?

Raj Against The Machine

@Gargron @stux noob question: how does one crosspost (short of manually copying and pasting)?

Eugen Rochko

As promised, code of conduct has been updated to add "casteism and advocation of casteism" to the list of explicitly prohibited offenses

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@Gargron Dear Eugen, I cannot see inclusion of casteism and caste based discrimination or bigotry in the policies. Could we have a discussion and include this?

Eugen Rochko

I might have arrived at the airport a bit too early

Eugen Rochko

I’m actually sad I have to leave Greece tomorrow. I just about got used to it. It’s nice. It feels real.

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@Gargron how do u feel, Indians are trying to forget twitter and joining this open platform?Also, keep tooting from Greece.

Eugen Rochko

Oh god oh fuck. How do I answer everything. Here, have this cat picture I took today

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@Gargron language, use of words is something we should all be careful and sensitive about.Especially when you are someone and represent something in PUBLIC space.Using cuss words is associated to being progressive, trendy,... #Paradox I would say.

Anyway, to each their own


@Gargron can developer of Mastodon follow small account like me? 🤔

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✳ Ilka's Kiezgezwitscher™ ✳

@Gargron ... The smart Guy "behind" our Pleasure 👍😁😘


@Gargron You look surprisingly young

Eugen Rochko

Bless waiters that invite you from outside. I wouldn’t go in otherwise

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Bertil Hedkvist 👀

@Gargron ... and when you're really starting to enjoy yourself they throw you out again only to be last in the entrance queue. That's real business for you.

Eugen Rochko

12.9K new users on this week. Don’t know off-hand how the numbers for the fediverse at large look

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