It’s now up to 18.8K new users this week. For reference, growth was about 1K per week for a long time.
It’s now up to 18.8K new users this week. For reference, growth was about 1K per week for a long time. No comments
@Gargron Wait buddy, it's gonna go up to a million. It's going to be a cascading effect. Hope to see more Mastodon servers pop up to share the load! If you want your server to be advertised on, check out for conditions and instructions (but please mind I won’t be able to process submissions until at least tomorrow when I get home) @GargronThis is what happens when you invite disgruntled Indians /Chinese with open arms @Gargron I see lot's of Indian Joining Mastodon after breakdown on Twitter and some are here just for curiosity, I'm one of these.😉 |
@Gargron if let's suppose half of Twitter migrates to, will it be able to handle the traffic?