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Eugen Rochko

12.9K new users on this week. Don’t know off-hand how the numbers for the fediverse at large look

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@Gargron tusky got issues with notification... 😕

Bryce Youngquist 2

@Gargron And each of them a facet of Bryce Youngquist.


@Gargron real number. We are moving from Twitter to this platform


@Gargron you will have millions sooner than you expect.


@Gargron can you share a trajectory, graph on week basis if it's a huge spike or not so much ?


@Gargron A ton of them are probably Indian users migrating from Twitter after their debacle.


@Gargron diversify.. instead of banal left right lets focus more on targeting traders, investors onto this platform

Aboobacker MK

@Gargron What is the policy here for impersonating accounts(without mentioning parody in account description)

Eg @Incindia @RahulGandhi etc

Shah Rukh Khan

@Gargron hope, it won't crash when the millions will be here soon.

Official ജെകെജി :batman:

@Gargron Thanks to Malayalees, people from Kerala, a state in Southern India.


@Gargron Now wait for next 24 hours. This figure is gonna double

Twilight fairy

@Gargron it is thanks to mass exodus from Indian Twitter 😁

Burhanuddin Johar

@Gargron I am here so early and before my friends and family just to grab my name’s unique user ID. 😂 And yes this toot will be going to be my first toot.


@Gargron There is an urgent need to verify public personalities on here. What do you suggest for verification?


@Gargron To clarify, I did set my interface language to Hindi, but I am still seeing everything in English.


@Gargron It will only increase in coming weeks. The toxic birdsite was becoming claustrophobic and biased.


@Gargron keep making more digs at twotter india, encourage the inevitable exodus!

Abhishek Bhalerao ✅

@Gargron i am an artist in indian film industry & would like to get my account verified please guide me with the process


@Gargron Amazing!Could I ask, if anyone ever did any Usability Study for Tusky?

Thomas Paine

@Gargron India wants to contribute 10 million more.


@Gargron This info also not off-hand, coz user-bot just tooted? :gnomeHey:


@Gargron Hi boost me. Need followers. Thanks.


@Gargron but not found anything differently; once we compare it with Twitter, I think it’s looks ugly, specially it’s fond size etc.


@Gargron needs to have that verified tick as is there on

Juned Shelat

@Gargron Most will be Indians. And more to follow soon.


@Gargron majority from India, due to the biases and arrogance of @Birdsite

Mayur Patil

@Gargron Congrats ! And more coming soon in a huge number from #india ♥️.


@Gargron it should be from India coz of the Twitter bias


@Gargron because of india😂 . Wait there's more to come.


@Gargron When are we gonna get a dedicated Mastodon app please?!

Sharada Ramanathan

@Gargron that's all? Could be millions by month end.


@Gargron Are you prepared if the number becomes 100K the next week? It can't be ruled out.

ارطغرل صاحب

@Gargron because of the

Twitterati has bycotted to the twitter and

Now we are using to your app bro



@Gargron fabulous. i was here earlier - in Feb - and it was really quiet. It seems to have come alive.

கவி தா

@Gargron from India 😆 especially from TamilNadu 🤝 More users on the way 👍


@Gargron Indian bird people shifting from that platform in very large numbers. Unfortunately, rightwing trolls will also try to follow them here. Hopefully, the filters for abuse are better than the bird's.


@Gargron How are you going to manage because in coming days entire twitter India will be joining mastodon


@Gargron will get lot more. Just keep it clean please.

Pawan Kamboj IRS

@Gargron is this fediverse a different universe outside mastodon?


@Gargron We are from Tamilnadu Uninstalled Twitter and Joined here 😍☺😊

Eugen Rochko

It’s now up to 18.8K new users this week. For reference, growth was about 1K per week for a long time.

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