Hm, can't wait to have [grocery product that belongs in the fridge] for breakfast. Oh, I forgot to unpack my bag yesterday because something else got my attention. Oh no. @Gargron I've done that where I left it in my car for a week because I forgot it was in there. Not good.
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I haven't watched JoJo except for the first episode but every time I see a reference to "Oh you're approaching me? Instead of running away you're approaching me?" I burst out laughing @Gargron I recently, after years of hearing about it, attempted to watch it with my daughter. We got a ways through the first season and I can safely say it is one of the most WTF shows I've ever witnessed. It's so amazingly bad on every level that I was pretty much transfixed.
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@Gargron I had to do that while looking for something to do with Fedora Linux. I'm glad the account was free because I never found what I was after. The paperclip gem as it's used by Mastodon is in some ship of Theseus type of situation at this point I can't say I enjoy Tigran Hamasyan's music in the same way I enjoy, say, Devin Townsend, and yet I can't stop listening to it
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Well... I've updated and, now if you upload an audio file that has album art, the album art will be displayed in the audio player. Beyond this, there's a new API for manually adding such thumbnails to audio (and video) uploads, but no UI for it yet.
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Beyond this, the OpenGraph tags now correctly refer to audio, and the embedded player (twitter:player) has been updated. Unfortunately I don't think those changes have any practical implications right now; I am not aware of any sites embedding og:audio, and not aware of any sites except Twitter using twitter:player. But now they could! @Gargron just signed up for an account a few minutes ago. Friend talked this up. Really like the ethos and everything. Thanks for the hard work. @Gargron german is a really precise language... In spanish we say "venga pa casa" wich means something like "OK, time to go".
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Sandwich DESTROYED by facts and logic (falling over as I was retrieving it from the oven) @Gargron another sad case of otherwise valid nutrition obliterated by the force of law (s of physics) |
@Gargron Zeus targeted Gamers. Gamers.
@Gargron thanks to #Kikoskia's #LetsPlay of #RockOfAges, I get that reference :P
@Gargron what was the minotaur in the labyrinth ?...