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2,546 posts total
Eugen Rochko

@Tanuki Oh this is for switching between multiple accounts. Toot!'s real tilt feature is when you click on a picture and it starts opening a video in an embedded browser

Eugen Rochko

@Steelgray I do not know the status of MediaGoblin development. Either way I am primarily focused on my own work / impact

Eugen Rochko

@Louisa You know how when a piece of sand gets inside a clockwork mechanism it screeches and stops? This information has done that to my brain

Eugen Rochko

For whatever reason my brain makes the "bruh" sound every few seconds lately

Eugen Rochko

What are some good Switch games to play during a flight?

Eugen Rochko

@alexbuzzbee The first one, yeah. Many freelance job listings are about changing WordPress stuff, for example.

Eugen Rochko

@alexbuzzbee A lot of job listings are like that already

Eugen Rochko

@Louisa Going back to the browser for more olive

Eugen Rochko

@Pixley You'll always be "I already know all the men I need to know" to me, Karen

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