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Eugen Rochko

Good morning, hope you like the announcements feature

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manuelcaeiro ☕

Should be more personal. Like this:

We're experiencing...

Ramón Peregrino 🔻🎗 🎸

@Gargron Good morning Eugen, we have already read the small problems of the network, no problem, thank you very much 👍 😍

Dave at

@Gargron I love Gnome and used it for years. But have you checked out KDE? I now use KDE (with Plasma's Dark Breeze theme). The Kate editor ris a cut above Gnome's Gedit. For instance, when you SFTP to a server and edit files, Kate carefully saves back the new version with correct ownership and perms, which Gedit did not (when I used it). Instead Gedit made the SFTP user the ewner, and the perms were not necessarily respected either... Check out KDE... As a coder, you might never look back...

Eugen Rochko

It seems like the Spanish translation of the "toot" button was vandalized, it will be reverted today

Eugen Rochko

Ironically I do have to let you know the normal way to refresh your page to be able to see announcements...

Eugen Rochko

The reactions don't seem to be updating live as expected :fatpikachu:

Gonna investigate why

Dave at

@Gargron Okay, so announce the way to be able to see announcements... And maybe you could announce first that you're going to announce that... It's getting recursive... You've been programming too much.

Eugen Rochko

Now that I can try out the announcements feature I can't think of anything to say

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infinite love ⴳ

@Gargron could've just said "3.1.0rc1 includes x y z features"

Gracious Anthracite


"I needed to test this new announcement feature but all I have to say is LOOK AT THIS CUTE KITTY." [picture of cat]



It is "announcement block",
perhaps like writer's block.

Eugen Rochko

How do you measure the performance of DNS nameservers? I wanna check if there will be a noticeable degradation if I change providers...

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cheese app mogul :astrokurt:🎏

@Gargron Make it query a very long url so it takes a while for it to say the whole thing and then time it with a stopwatch.

Henry Edward Hardy


DNS Monitoring With Nagios

I don't remember if this does specific DNS performance test but you have source so it is at least a reporting framework.

Michal :verified:

@Gargron long time ago when I used Windows I used this tool to measure DNS server performance: The page says it's compatible with Wine, so it's worth giving it a try. Bonus cool points that don't matter - it's just 147KB and written in assembly :)

Eugen Rochko

Axel Voss, one of the MEPs that campaigned for all that upload filter nonsense that would make running Mastodon in the EU more complicated, is now saying Europe is in danger of becoming a "digital colony" of the US or China because of a lack of European social networks

Eugen Rochko

Thank you all for the birthday wishes! ✨ ☺️ ✨

Eugen Rochko

When the humans hide their finest bean so you prepare your attack

Rev.Dr. Nikolai Kingsley


"Everything about you smells of poop... Except for your poop, that smells of whiz, you whizzy-poopy creature! Don't look at me like that! You yellow toothed, saggy faced, jowl man!"


@Gargron this is not the first time youve posted this and i still go "what the fuck" every time i listen to it

Eugen Rochko

I got pissed at Tumblr a few years ago when my late grandfather's blog with all his songs became inaccessible only a year after he had passed. Of course, I had taken a snapshot almost immediately because I knew you couldn't trust any of it to stay online forever. But Tumblr's flash audio player meant that none of the song files could be saved in the archive. It just felt so... irresponsible how incapable their website was at preserving anything valuable.

Eugen Rochko

His blog is, at the time, still up. If you can read Russian, you can read it here:

Dangit, Stonehaven

@Gargron Making things worse: During the days immediately after the announcement of The Purge, people tried backing up shitloads of blogs and such on the Internet Archive. Tumblr ended up blacklisting the IA because of all the traffic, making further archival all but impossible.

The content of a hell of a lot of queer artists (writers, visual artists, etc.) is now lost because those artists deleted their Tumblrs and little-to-no archives of their blogs exist.

Fuck Tumblr.

Eugen Rochko

"Executing order 66 but it's sadder" why did I decide watching this was a good idea

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