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Eugen Rochko

Proud of how the server architecture of and the code of Mastodon is keeping up with the load, but wishing for this to transform into new Mastodon servers springing up.

If you were considering starting a Mastodon server, right now would be a pretty good time. Anyone can do it from source, see docs:

There are also hosting providers (not affiliated with me) which are super easy to work with without technical knowledge, like and

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Eugen Rochko

☝️ If you started a new server for the Spanish community, let me know and I'll give you a shout out.

There's a few basic requirements for it to be listed on as well, such as having a backup admin ("bus factor" πŸ˜…) and having some basic rules against harassment, so if you pass those as well I'll gladly put your server on

Here those requirements are spelled out:


Are there any obstacles to running Mastodon in a FreeBSD jail?

Celso Alvarez CΓ‘ccamo

@Gargron Eugen, we would need savvy people to run a server. Also, many newcomers to this instance (as myself) would be reluctant to move to another instance and risk losing followers etc.

Eugen Rochko

Hello to all the new users today! That's a lot

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Thanks for Sharing! Happy New Year 2020!!! Only Dictatorships Jail Peaceful Political Prisoners!! #Spain is a Shame in Europe!!--


@Gargron Thank you very much for the wellcome and for keeping Mastodon going

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@Gargron A one hour rant is a damm long rant!

Dodgy Engineer

@Gargron I quite liked it, personally


@Gargron on the whole I agree with her although chatting to done folks today it's apparent how much was lifted (badly) from the apparently non-canon Dark Empire books.

Eugen Rochko

I recognize the very distinct clicking of the hurdy-gurdy in this song

Eugen Rochko

I'm extremely tired after putting out figurative fires all day, now, do I go to sleep, or make a cuppa tea and play some Dota

Eugen Rochko

Devops update for One read-replica machine became unstable a few days prior, I had its drives replaced a few hours ago but just as I was re-installing it, it displayed symptoms of the same issue, so now working with tech support to try and figure out what's wrong.

I've added another machine to serve web requests and this seems to have decreased load times into normal levels again.

Eugen Rochko

How to migrate from one Mastodon server to another without losing followers:

1. Sign up on new server
2. On NEW server: Go to Account -> Moving FROM another account
3. Enter old account's handle
4. On OLD server: Go to Account -> Moving TO another account
5. Enter new account's handle and submit


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@Gargron stupid question but where do you define a handle?


Hi Eugen

Is there a solution to migrate even if the old account already isn't accessable any longer?

In my case: was suspended for being over limits. Users haven't been informed ahead of the suspension. I was told that all data will be deleted in 10days if there's no solution with the community admin.

Not being warned that this could happen and not being able to save followers and data really doesn't feel good. It doesn't feels mastodon-like.

Thanks for any hint.

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@Gargron Last night I made the request and I still cannot enter, I don't know if I have done the process badly or I have to wait longer :blobsweats:

GatoOscuro :quey: :gnu:

@Gargron ΒΏPara cuando le tocara el turno a πŸ€” :haha: Es raro porque no salimos listados ni en servers en inglΓ©s ni en espaΓ±ol ΒΏquΓ© somos? (Es verdad que estΓ‘ montado en Paises Bajos, pero el publico no es exclusivo de allΓ­) πŸ€”

Eugen Rochko

So the cool part about Mastodon, right? You don't need to be on the same domain as other people to talk to them. You can sign-up on or invite your friends to:

And many others, and still be able to talk to the world / follow your friends on and vice versa.

Please help those servers grow by spreading the word about them! (And if you are interested in starting a new server, you can do that too!)


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Los de abajo

Hi @Gargron
Why is the background black when you join Mastodon?
I think it would be better white, because at first, people do not know how to change colour.
What do you thin?

Los de abajo

Hi @Gargron
Why is the background black when you join Mastodon?
I think it would be better white, because at first, people do not know how to change colour.
What do you think?

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