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6 posts total
André Polykanine

Dear blind #iOS users! Please note: in latest iOS betas there is an extremely nasty bug where several apps turn your phone into totally unusable state. You cannot reload VoiceOver, you cannot do anything at all besides restarting the phone. Be super mega careful! I know so far one German app (very important, it's PhotoTan app from #DeutscheBank which basically is needed for authorization of every significant bank operation), and one Russian app. I even don't know what to suggest if you have no sighted help and no spare device where you can run BeMyEyes or so. Anyway, if you encounter such an app, do the volume up — volume down — side button dance to force restart, I have no other idea. Again, be super careful! I'd like to CC @JonathanMosen because it might need to be spread for a wider audience, and @lynnskyi because I know you use only your phone, so again, be extremely careful, you'll never know what app will cause it to behave like this. Thanks.

Dear blind #iOS users! Please note: in latest iOS betas there is an extremely nasty bug where several apps turn your phone into totally unusable state. You cannot reload VoiceOver, you cannot do anything at all besides restarting the phone. Be super mega careful! I know so far one German app (very important, it's PhotoTan app from #DeutscheBank which basically is needed for authorization of every significant bank operation), and one Russian app. I even don't know what to suggest if you have no sighted...

Jonathan Mosen

@menelion @lynnskyi That sounds horrible. I haven’t encountered anything like this yet.

Piotr Machacz

@menelion @JonathanMosen @lynnskyi This seems to happen when an app declares a specific language, especially if your phone is in a different one. A workaround that doesn't involve a restart is before you go into the app, set your VO language rotor to the language the app is in (So for a german banking app set it to German), and it has to be the specific language and not just the "default language" option. Afaik it was reported by multiple people to Apple so hopefully won't be in 17.5 final.

André Polykanine

Сегодня эта классика снова как никогда актуальна в одной отдельно взятой больнице ну ооочень большой площади.

André Polykanine

As now everyone seems to be mad with that "degoogling" thing, I'll reiterate my point: I won't stop using services that are accessible and usable for me as a blind screen reader user. Period, full stop. You can be a thousand times open-source, have good intentions and be saint angels in flesh, but if your service is not accessible *and* usable by a blind user, I cannot perform my daily tasks, be it for work, hobby or leisure, hence I won't use your service. Make your services accessible and usable for everyone and then preach about degoogling, de-appling, de-microsofting and de-whatevering. #Angry #Blind #Accessibility

As now everyone seems to be mad with that "degoogling" thing, I'll reiterate my point: I won't stop using services that are accessible and usable for me as a blind screen reader user. Period, full stop. You can be a thousand times open-source, have good intentions and be saint angels in flesh, but if your service is not accessible *and* usable by a blind user, I cannot perform my daily tasks, be it for work, hobby or leisure, hence I won't use your service. Make your services accessible and usable...

Casey Reeves

@menelion Well said. That's one of the reason I switched away from android to apple without a care in the world.

I don't care that your rom is boosting privacy, or has only free apps, or whatever else really. It's not usable and I need to find some way to bundle talkback into it? Fuck off. Seriously. I have way better things to do with my free time.

Sukil Etxenike

@menelion You use whatever you want, I use whatever works best.

André Polykanine

Ну раз сегодня массовая миграция русскоязычных в Мастодон (если это не так, во всём виноват Алексей @skobkin, который бустит первые посты людей :)), представлюсь снова и по-русски.
Меня зовут Андрей, я разработчик и гик из Украины. Сейчас живу с женой в Мангейме, в Германии. Люблю читать, в основном фантастику и фэнтези всех жанров и научпоп; люблю слушать очень разную музыку, особый интерес питаю к традиционной этнической музыке всех народов мира и классической/академической музыке где-то до начала XX века плюс современный минимализм. Имею жёсткую проукраинскую, проамериканскую и проевропейскую позицию. В свободное время (которого сейчас почти нет) изучаю иностранные языки, так как по образованию я лингвист-переводчик. Не вижу с рождения, хотя обычно не заостряю на этом внимания. Эксперт по адаптивным технологиям и доступности технических решений для незрячих. В этом аккаунте посты в основном по-английски (в Твиттере было два отдельных аккаунта). Всем добро пожаловать. #Introduction #RussianLanguage #TwitterMigration

Ну раз сегодня массовая миграция русскоязычных в Мастодон (если это не так, во всём виноват Алексей @skobkin, который бустит первые посты людей :)), представлюсь снова и по-русски.
Меня зовут Андрей, я разработчик и гик из Украины. Сейчас живу с женой в Мангейме, в Германии. Люблю читать, в основном фантастику и фэнтези всех жанров и научпоп; люблю слушать очень разную музыку, особый интерес питаю к традиционной этнической музыке всех народов мира и классической/академической музыке где-то до начала...


@menelion @skobkin
Прости пожалуйста моё любопытство, а ты совсем не видишь? А как...?

André Polykanine

I would love to have an iPhone SE with a USB-C port for Christmas. I know that doesn't exist, but I can dream, right? #MushroomFM

Craig Patik

@menelion I’m afraid they’ll go wireless to avoid using USB-C at all

Vsevolod Popov

@menelion @describe_to_me I think it's plus minus every iPhone user's dream already😆

André Polykanine

Fellow #blind users, did your #Microsoft #Teams interface also changed? For me the meeting controls now show "Mic" and "Camera" instead of their statuses, and you can see the status only for the mic and only on the Braille display.


@menelion Never used Microsoft Teams. How is it better than Discord?


@menelion It did. When moving across the action bar, or whatever it's called, I hear "mute button, mute on" now instead of just "mute on". I guess it's just an annoyance, but it did get rather tedious pretty quickly.

Brian Hartgen

@menelion According to one of my contacts at Microsoft, this was an error, and there should be a build arriving to correct this.

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