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André Polykanine

As now everyone seems to be mad with that "degoogling" thing, I'll reiterate my point: I won't stop using services that are accessible and usable for me as a blind screen reader user. Period, full stop. You can be a thousand times open-source, have good intentions and be saint angels in flesh, but if your service is not accessible *and* usable by a blind user, I cannot perform my daily tasks, be it for work, hobby or leisure, hence I won't use your service. Make your services accessible and usable for everyone and then preach about degoogling, de-appling, de-microsofting and de-whatevering. #Angry #Blind #Accessibility

Casey Reeves

@menelion Well said. That's one of the reason I switched away from android to apple without a care in the world.

I don't care that your rom is boosting privacy, or has only free apps, or whatever else really. It's not usable and I need to find some way to bundle talkback into it? Fuck off. Seriously. I have way better things to do with my free time.

Sukil Etxenike

@menelion You use whatever you want, I use whatever works best.

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