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You can decrease the negativity in your life 100% by replacing all the people you know with this quokka

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@geekysteven @leah I hope you don't have a human partner who's reading this now 😂

aœ :firefish: First of all I would like to be a quokka myself so I’ll get a better mood. 🙂


AMERICA: We don't need the metric system, our measurement system is fine


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Weltschmerz Suuronen

@geekysteven I am annoyed by their tendency to measure areas in football fields. And as a European I don't even know if they mean football or the American variant, which is not played with a ball or feet.

The Cadence Collective

@geekysteven the metric system would be easier to work with from what we remember of it.


It's Transgender Day of Visibility and World Backup Day so I am reminding you that I am non-binary and telling you to save copies of your gender in multiple locations.

Mx Amber Alex

@geekysteven if it's less than 10 MB, you can store it in the cloud!


@geekysteven RAID your gender too, it's not a backup but it can save time in the case of technical glitches.

undead enby of the apocalypse

@geekysteven I lost my gender backup then found it again years later


"Pronouns" in conservative circles is a dog whistle. They fixate on pronouns so they can say transgender people are bad without bumping into hate speech rules. Mocking them for using pronouns themselves or not knowing what pronouns are isn't the burn you think it is.

Have fun with circling all the pronouns in screenshots of their tweets if that's your jam, but remember that you are not the intended audience. It's messaging for others on the far-right and it's way worse than flunking English class

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@geekysteven Pronouns , bathroom names, and Hunters laptop until the next thing Republicans conjured to distract and divide the people. Hate is so Nazi.


If you want to stop AI from hurting artists, don't try to persuade people not to use it. Instead teach boomers how to make Minion memes with it. Nothing will kill the AI vibe faster than Carol in accounts receivable thinking it's cool

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