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If you want to stop AI from hurting artists, don't try to persuade people not to use it. Instead teach boomers how to make Minion memes with it. Nothing will kill the AI vibe faster than Carol in accounts receivable thinking it's cool

AlgoCompSynth by znmeb

@geekysteven Carol's in accounts receivable now? Last I heard she was the exec assistant to the CTO! What happened? 😈


@geekysteven ah yes remember when desktop publishing was going to kill off typographers? Or printing was going to kill off calligraphers?

Nate :RayS: :auti: :vpu:

@geekysteven i am feeding it official yugioh art which the characters have inhumane hair or are not human, thats gonna break the AI.


@geekysteven please tell us more about this process

SueG In NJ

@geekysteven Nice. Free bashing of boomer women. How creative.

Kitchen Priestess (she/her)

@geekysteven Well, I made some AI stuff a couple of days ago, but I plan to use it mostly for decoupage. Maybe journal covers. Is there really a big market for wall art anymore?


@knobee @geekysteven i cannot put into words the absolute confusion and horror i am currently experiencing.

kim st

@geekysteven do you not believe that AI is a tool, just like the internet itself?

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