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AMERICA: We don't need the metric system, our measurement system is fine


Brion Vibber :blobcatcoffee:​

@geekysteven "hey, you know what they call the 1/800th deer burger in France?"

Kip Manley

@geekysteven Bicycles? Pfeh. That's Canadian. Americans use the grill of a Ford F-150.


@geekysteven yeah but we measure our balloon sizes in how many school buses.


@geekysteven Metric can't measure this amount of freedom! 😜


@geekysteven you measure in quarter pounders with cheese, we measure in royal with cheese...

Justin Dearing

@geekysteven American here. I see nothing wrong with this.


@geekysteven I know "everything's bigger in America" but you must have some massive bicycles over there!

Rev. GothAlice

@geekysteven @Talia_christine The speed of light is roughly 1.8 megafurlongs per microfortnight. Don’t make me convert that to jiffies per hectare-hour.

Sylvain Drapeau

@alice @geekysteven @Talia_christine

Wow! That's about 10000% the maximum velocity of a sheep in a vacuum! 😯

Witek Kowalik

@axnxcamr @alice @geekysteven @Talia_christine
I'm laughing my ass off right now, after visualising a sheep flying through one of those vacuum tube transportation systems Wallace and Gromit style with a fish tank on it's head.


@geekysteven What kind of hamburgers are we talking about, here? White Castle sliders, a basic McDonalds hamburger, a Wendy's T-Rex burger?


@artilectzed @geekysteven Maybe it's like in the periodic table: a weighted average of all known hamburger isotope masses.


@geekysteven Ain’t that the truth… I wonder how many Milfs there are in a kilometre 🤔

mi dispiace

@geekysteven are we talking deluxe burgers or just the patties


@geekysteven Hamburgers? Must be from Hamburg, Germany. And Cheeseburgers were invented in the town of Cheeseburg.


@geekysteven When I was in elementary school, we were learning the metric system. It wasn't hard. No one was getting hurt. Then Regan got elected.


@geekysteven oh come now, who could turn a cold shoulder to organic terms like pounds, feet and slugs?

it positively brings out the gardener in me.


@geekysteven - True, but at least our dough is metric. The Brits Brexited so they could go back to ducats and ha’penny farthings and shit.

Paolo Monella

@geekysteven This is Paolo, tooting from within the metric system. To be fair, the bicycle analogy worked for me

Widdershins Smith 🐘


TBF they have been using 9mm in schools for a while now...


@geekysteven agreed, let’s stay in medieval times. The distribution of wealth is also medieval standard.

Deb S

@geekysteven I remember talking about the US switching to the metric system in the 2nd grade. I'm not telling you my age but The Beatles were still together.


@Debnumbers @geekysteven
As a retired engineer, my conundrum is MKS vs CGS, but they’re all SI units. Feet are on the end of my legs, and inches are caterpillars.

Mitch Conner
@geekysteven yeah cause a thousand centimeters or whatever is so much easier to visualize than a fucking bicycle
Katy Swain

@geekysteven "In climate news, researchers found Greenland lost 8.5 billion tons of surface mass due to ice melting over just one day this week […] That melt is large enough to cover the entire state of Florida in at least two inches of water."

I was listening to that report on the way to work one day and thought "Huh. The Florida-inch appears to be a US standard measure. That fits."

@geekysteven "In climate news, researchers found Greenland lost 8.5 billion tons of surface mass due to ice melting over just one day this week […] That melt is large enough to cover the entire state of Florida in at least two inches of water."


@katyswain @geekysteven In 2019. climate scientist Martin Stendel used Florida-inch as a measure of ice melt. He also suggested Germany-centimeter and Denmark-meter for metric users, although it seems that those units haven't caught on.


@geekysteven I love how the measurement system doesn't even use items that are standardized in size


@geekysteven americans use metric for their bullets, so we know what they turn to when it really matters

Weltschmerz Suuronen

@geekysteven I am annoyed by their tendency to measure areas in football fields. And as a European I don't even know if they mean football or the American variant, which is not played with a ball or feet.


@VPSuuronen @geekysteven Also, olympic-size swimming pool (os sp) as a unit of volume.

According to NIST, one os sp is 1000 m3, which translates to an 8 lane (20 m) olympic length (50 m) pool with a depth of 1 m.

However, FINA (Fédération Internationale de Natation, now known as World Aquatics) defines the official os sp being 50 m x 25 m (10 lanes) with a minimum depth of 2 m which is 2500 m3; recommended depth is 3 m which comes to an os sp of 3750 m3.

The Cadence Collective

@geekysteven the metric system would be easier to work with from what we remember of it.

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