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"Pronouns" in conservative circles is a dog whistle. They fixate on pronouns so they can say transgender people are bad without bumping into hate speech rules. Mocking them for using pronouns themselves or not knowing what pronouns are isn't the burn you think it is.

Have fun with circling all the pronouns in screenshots of their tweets if that's your jam, but remember that you are not the intended audience. It's messaging for others on the far-right and it's way worse than flunking English class


@geekysteven this is a very fair point, I think a lot of people on the left get caught up in the sport of dunking on reactionaries without taking into account that these people do not value logically reasoned facts the way we do. In many ways, the pronoun stuff is like a thought-terminating cliche, either you're part of the in group who hates having to consider pronouns or you're an outsider who will identify themselves by making arguments against their use of English. It's just not effective, and without a comprehensive way to strike back against their transphobia then I feel like you may just be at risk of spreading that hate unintentionally.

@geekysteven this is a very fair point, I think a lot of people on the left get caught up in the sport of dunking on reactionaries without taking into account that these people do not value logically reasoned facts the way we do. In many ways, the pronoun stuff is like a thought-terminating cliche, either you're part of the in group who hates having to consider pronouns or you're an outsider who will identify themselves by making arguments against their use of English. It's just not effective, and...


@geekysteven people that coined the term "alternative facts" know they're wrong. They know they're making up things to make uninformed and reactionary people upset.

They do not care about being seen as uneducated. They mock educated people.

Laughing at them serves their aims - if people underestimate them, they're not challenging their assumed or real authority.


@geekysteven What should we do? I feel like the left has never figured out how to respond to dog whistles, besides just saying they're dog whistles. I completely agree with you though.


@smitten I think pointing out that it's as pathetic as "let's go Brandon" but with darker intentions is the way to go.

Bad at Names

@smitten @geekysteven Calling them stupid and pathetic while showing that it doesn’t bother you seems to work. They want the big screaming and crying reaction and the “how could you say that” that mainstream libs love to give them.

Pointing out “this is stupid and not triggering, you’re an idiot and you’re not clever” while not giving them any crying emotional reaction at least usually gets them to leave you alone. Some may be more persistent than others.


@GrittyLipids I think this is key. So much of their posture is about looking cool and aloof, it's a very teenager mindset. They live in such privilege that they see any earnest outrage as a sign of weakness. (cue 'up yours, woke moralists')

The best responses I've seen are focused on how unfunny they are, and how unbothered we are.

Bad at Names

@smitten They’re just a bunch of little shits pulling the wings off of flies and laughing as the fly flounders around, or poking the puppy with sticks and laughing as it cries.

Treat them like the arrested development manbabies they are without falling for the obvious rage bait and they’ll give up because you aren’t any fun.

☆⋆Okie Space Queen

@geekysteven @smitten you can also just refuse to play the game by pointing out that it's a dog whistle and they are being awful. It's probably going to start a fight if you do that, they don't like it when you take away their plausible deniability.

RDS (shawphd on Twitter)

@smitten @geekysteven

I find pulling out the intentions behind the comments useful. I usually do this in the form of a “translation.”


MAGA Bob 🇺🇸: My pronouns are Beer & God. Suck it, libs!

Me: Shorter MAGA Bob: “I am being transphobic to convince my buddies that I’m cool.”

It works bc it turns the dog whistle into a whistle & bc it puts the burden on them to explain why I’m wrong rather than the other way around. It short-circuits the usual script.


@shawrd773 100% these people are obsessed with their e-peen, it's all about getting the upvotes. Maybe next time I'll try "I like people who get more than 15 upvotes" or "You almost proved you're a real man but you're about 10 likes short."


@smitten @geekysteven I block and move on. They're often trolling for engagement and I'm not going to help them, nor am I going to let them distract me from my good work. They are just as dispassionate about parts of speech as they are inclusivity, they just want our outrage to fuel their movement and hinder progress. Engaging let's them control that narrative. And while we're busy doing that we are not contributing any real counter to their hate.

Gerard Cunningham ✒️

@geekysteven and every time you post that corrected screenshot, you amplify their message to your audience...

John Spounias :opalstack:

@geekysteven same thing with 'grooming'. Am the parent of a trans kid. The only way to diffuse the centrists is to explain gender dysphoria. This seems to get through to some people. The extreme right will never have a bridge to understanding.



When I was on the birdsight and some conservative dude pointed my pronouns out I simply responded by telling them exactly why I have my pronouns there, and they usually shut up.

They seemed to get confused by someone simply openly offering an opinion they were attempting to mock.


@geekysteven: Worse than that: you're proving their point.


@geekysteven Pronouns , bathroom names, and Hunters laptop until the next thing Republicans conjured to distract and divide the people. Hate is so Nazi.

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