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RDS (shawphd on Twitter)

@smitten @geekysteven

I find pulling out the intentions behind the comments useful. I usually do this in the form of a “translation.”


MAGA Bob 🇺🇸: My pronouns are Beer & God. Suck it, libs!

Me: Shorter MAGA Bob: “I am being transphobic to convince my buddies that I’m cool.”

It works bc it turns the dog whistle into a whistle & bc it puts the burden on them to explain why I’m wrong rather than the other way around. It short-circuits the usual script.

1 comment

@shawrd773 100% these people are obsessed with their e-peen, it's all about getting the upvotes. Maybe next time I'll try "I like people who get more than 15 upvotes" or "You almost proved you're a real man but you're about 10 likes short."

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