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Devine Lu Linvega

When we changed our mainsail in 2019, we kept the old battens. We've used them for a variety of projects over the years.
More recently, we used some as a way to keep the books from falling out when sailing.


@rek a padlock on one end would also protect the books from any stowaway book thieves.

Devine Lu Linvega

We often get asked how we spend our times during long transits, there's ALWAYS something to fix.

Our raincoats(Guy Cotton & Grundens) both came with the same defect, because that's what you get when you buy things nowadays.

Both can't tighten the hood because one is missing terminating to the chord, the other straight up doesn't have tensioners.

So that's what we do underway, we harvest parts from other things, and fix stuff.

Devine Lu Linvega

It surprised me to see that I could just pull the chord terminators on the Grundens coast(orange) straight out, they didn't bother making a knot inside the things. It's so common that we have to "finish up" the products that we get. It's like these clothes are in Beta, and we patch them upstream with fixes.

Devine Lu Linvega

Per BBC: "Saudi authorities have permitted the use of lethal force to clear land for a futuristic desert city being built by dozens of Western companies, an ex-intelligence officer has told the BBC.

Col Rabih Alenezi says he was ordered to evict villagers from a tribe in the Gulf state to make way for The Line, part of the Neom eco-project.

One of them was subsequently shot and killed for protesting against eviction. " #dystopia #SaudiArabia


BBC: "He said the April 2020 order stated the Huwaitat was made up of "many rebels" and "whoever continues to resist [eviction] should be killed, so it licensed the use of lethal force against whoever stayed in their home"." #dystopia


Per BBC: "Saudi authorities have permitted the use of lethal force to clear land for a futuristic desert city being built by dozens of Western companies, an ex-intelligence officer has told the BBC.

Col Rabih Alenezi says he was ordered to evict villagers from a tribe in the Gulf state to make way for The Line, part of the Neom eco-project.

One of them was subsequently shot and killed for protesting against eviction. " #dystopia #SaudiArabia

Devine Lu Linvega

We motored out of Ballet Bay in a calm, but I could see a dark blue band on the water way ahead, a look through the binoculars revealed a few whitecaps. Um, there was plenty of wind out there! We expected little to no wind, but got 15-20 knots on the nose, like yesterday (forecast called for 5-15 knots). This wind permitted an afternoon of close-hauled sailing to our next anchorage :>!

We're now anchored in Sturt Bay on Texada Island, with plans to leave tomorrow for Desolation Sound.

Devine Lu Linvega

*jankenpon to figure out who gets to leave the blankets to put a log in the stove*

Devine Lu Linvega

A concatenative programming capable of running Factor's implementation of the Y combinator, hosted on the 300 lines implementation of Modal, by @typeswitch and @capital:


@neauoire I still cannot get over how clean @typeswitch's implementation was. I should add my sierpinski triangle to this page. Really show off that there isn't limits to how high it can build.

Devine Lu Linvega

Started documenting the various parts of the rewrite computer, with example that show how mouse events are handled, and how pixels are drawn on the screen.

Devine Lu Linvega

Sigil 2 (Learning)

4" x 4"
Acrylic, Charcoal, Graphite, Collage, Gold Leaf
Wood Panel


@helveticablanc Gold leaf looks so fun to work with. A friend of mine used it a lot on her personal works too, been a fan since then :>!
The texture of traditional works is so damn satisfying. Beautiful work, as always.

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Comrade Weez

@afif He's absolutely right about everything he says in this. Except for one thing.

If Trump wins, there won't be any more elections. Israel will have carte blanche for wholesale genocide, in daylight, with gas chambers.

Abstaining, voting 3rd party or voting for Trump all have the same effect.

I will be voting for Biden on the least-worst principle.

Devine Lu Linvega

I kindda miss the artificiality of the gym.


@neauoire there’s something distinct about that space that reminds your brain, “this is the place where you workout.” I can feel like a glop of particularly unmotivated porridge, but when I walk into a gym I’m Ready To Go.

Devine Lu Linvega

two 1hr documentary films about taumako voyaging culture, produced over a 30 year period, are now free to watch. it's a wild journey, and i highly recommend checking it out. here is part 1: "We, the Voyagers: Our Vaka"

Devine Lu Linvega

String Rewrite Systems are abstract machines that can only replace parts of a string with another. A rule is made of two statements, where "left" is replaced with "right":

<> left right

The system will attempt to do rewrites until no matches in the input string can be found and the program will terminate.

But most importantly, it's super fun to use to draw graphics.

Max Cahill

@neauoire have you played with context free art or a similar rewriting system? Basically a probabilistic extension - rewrites have a chance of happening or not

Leonard Ritter

@neauoire *clutching my lambda calculus ever so tightly*

Devine Lu Linvega

*using a collection of efficient programs that don't eat up too much solar power, but also-*
thunderbird: I NEED 99% CPU TO READ EMAIL

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@neauoire What are some of these efficient programs?

DHeadshot's Alt

This makes me even more worried about the Thunderbird/K9mail merger...

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