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Comrade Weez

@afif He's absolutely right about everything he says in this. Except for one thing.

If Trump wins, there won't be any more elections. Israel will have carte blanche for wholesale genocide, in daylight, with gas chambers.

Abstaining, voting 3rd party or voting for Trump all have the same effect.

I will be voting for Biden on the least-worst principle.


@weezmgk @afif

Please leave me the hope that america can get a more Partie System.

Just vote for third parties, if both parties sell out to warlords vote for the third.
I dont care about your me vs them Thing, if all vote for a third they will have to compromise and true democracy is on the horizon..

Comrade Weez

@JamesTown_ Yes, the US could EVENTUALLY have preferential voting and a parliament-style proportional legislature. But right now, it doesn't. And voting 3rd party in this election will not cause one to appear.

There is no way for 'compromise' government to exist under the US Constitution. It's first-past-the-post, winner take all.

At this moment, it's a binary choice, Biden or Trump.



@weezmgk @afif

People arr everything, change them change everything

Ellie 🏴🏳️‍⚧️

@weezmgk @afif there's no least worst between two old, racist, genocidal, earth destroying, police brutality supporting fucks facing rape allegations. And when these are the "choices" your elections present you with, why have them?

America is not a democracy, why bother with this sham of holding elections between two at the core identical geriatrics representing the same burgeois interests where the guy with the most votes doesn't even necessarily win, just to underline how little your voice matters in the eyes of the state

The state itself is evil, it doesn't matter if its figurehead is replacable.

@weezmgk @afif there's no least worst between two old, racist, genocidal, earth destroying, police brutality supporting fucks facing rape allegations. And when these are the "choices" your elections present you with, why have them?

America is not a democracy, why bother with this sham of holding elections between two at the core identical geriatrics representing the same burgeois interests where the guy with the most votes doesn't even necessarily win, just to underline how little your voice matters...

Comrade Weez

@31113 Trump and Biden are not identical. Do 3 minutes of research and revise your hyperbole. @afif


@weezmgk @afif This is correct. Not voting for Biden will end the USA as we know it today, and will destabilize global politics.

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