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Devine Lu Linvega

String Rewrite Systems are abstract machines that can only replace parts of a string with another. A rule is made of two statements, where "left" is replaced with "right":

<> left right

The system will attempt to do rewrites until no matches in the input string can be found and the program will terminate.

But most importantly, it's super fun to use to draw graphics.

Max Cahill

@neauoire have you played with context free art or a similar rewriting system? Basically a probabilistic extension - rewrites have a chance of happening or not

Devine Lu Linvega

@maxc I've played with non-deterministic Thue, refal, maude and the likes -- they're alright. Do you mean like L-Systems?

Max Cahill

@neauoire was what I had in mind but I can see outputting the data structure and rendering it however being a nice flexible workflow


@neauoire @maxc
Great for generating organic branching structures as explained by this Numberphile video
Don't know how they decide what topic belongs on Numberphile and not Computerphile

Leonard Ritter

@neauoire *clutching my lambda calculus ever so tightly*

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