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Devine Lu Linvega

We often get asked how we spend our times during long transits, there's ALWAYS something to fix.

Our raincoats(Guy Cotton & Grundens) both came with the same defect, because that's what you get when you buy things nowadays.

Both can't tighten the hood because one is missing terminating to the chord, the other straight up doesn't have tensioners.

So that's what we do underway, we harvest parts from other things, and fix stuff.

Devine Lu Linvega

It surprised me to see that I could just pull the chord terminators on the Grundens coast(orange) straight out, they didn't bother making a knot inside the things. It's so common that we have to "finish up" the products that we get. It's like these clothes are in Beta, and we patch them upstream with fixes.


@neauoire I find this is really true, and not just with clothes.

Odo Klave

@neauoire They're hoping it will fail so you buy a new one. No Budd trains anymore

Devine Lu Linvega

@dualhammers Seems a bit at odds with smart business practices, this would make me NOT want to get one again, unless there's collusion to making clothes cheap between the different brands but that wouldn't- aaah, shit.

Odo Klave

@neauoire What's funny in an absurd sad way is that it's not even conscious collusion. Every company wants to save money so they've gone to a sub-contracting model where they all buy from the same factories in other countries.

Those places make stuff for many different brands and they, too, want to make things quick since they get paid much less.

It's an inevitable result of self-interested "logic" of each entity in the chain.

Ryan (Hoping)

@neauoire the thing I keep saying as a broken record is that capitalism only optimizes for what companies can get away with, not some quality:cost ratio. Same reason we're constantly surrounded by such toxic chemicals: if it's not a glaringly obvious deal breaker and it saves costs, companies will do the most insane things.

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