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Anatoly Shashkin💾

foax's Kali Kit:
Kali tunnels IPX network traffic over TCP/IP, allowing old IPX games to connect over TCP/IP networks, including the internet. This repo contains a collection of tools & drivers to get Kali running on a DOS PC, & guides on how to set it up

Anatoly Shashkin💾

Ok, research time: What are your favorite FLASH games? Tell me!

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@dosnostalgic Soul Brother
Don't Look Back


I know I'm missing at least five things that were deeply important to me at the time.

I remain proud of my one, very simple Flash game.

Anatoly Shashkin💾

Happy birthday to the Internet SHAREWARE version of Quake! 🎂🎉🍾🥂
Remember, it was only 8 maps long. To get the full game you had to order it for $45 + $5 S&H (about $100 today) and wait for it to get finished and shipped to you.

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Yaroslav Khnygin

@dosnostalgic It's the only version I had for many years.

@dosnostalgic it's fun how in Doom and Quake the best episode is the one that was distributed in shareware version.

Don't get me wrong, the other are good too, but leave impact on player. Didn't even finished Doom episodes, but maybe I just like Quake more. :)
Anatoly Shashkin💾

This reminds me. I should probably look into how to recompile Quake 3, since for reasons unknown it's hardcoded to limit the default amount of players on a server to 8, even though there are 10 available slots in the creation screen 😠 (and I have 10 LAN machines going at LI Retro.)

Anatoly Shashkin💾

So the Quake 3 engine is cooler than I expected for a 1999 game. Turned out that it's not all one executable, but a bunch of DLLs that are loaded at runtime. So I just had to recompile the UI dll, and drop it in the BASEQ3 folder, and it just works. 👍

Anatoly Shashkin💾

Выйду на крышу
Смотрю на Аврору
И вспоминаю
Ту давнюю пору
Когда еще молод
С гранатой в руке
В предательской лодке
Я плыл по реке


Anatoly Shashkin💾

StrataVision was the 3D modeling and rendering package used to produce graphics of the original Myst. They are so proud of this that even right now if you get the latest version of it ("Strata Design 3D SE", free on Steam,) it comes with a bunch of Myst assets in its library:

Anatoly Shashkin💾

Pretty amazing visuals generated by a 256 *byte* executable in MS-DOS: 😯

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Christian Lawson-Perfect

@dosnostalgic it feels sinful to stream a recording of that from YouTube, using orders of magnitude more space than the executable. It isn't an April Fools' joke?


@dosnostalgic I‘d love to see a writeup how this works.

Anatoly Shashkin💾

A photo by Anastasiya Berthier.

HEY WAIT A MINUTE! 👀👀👀👀 Computer, enhance!

@dosnostalgic i just went to that insta and holy shit, i feel sorry for her back. that's not going to age well.
Anatoly Shashkin💾

This ☭ xmas tree decoration was just a wire interspersed with light bulbs, plugged into a 220v outlet. When I was a kid ours broke, so I opened it up. 2 metal bits that held a bulb were bent, so I tried to bend them back, forgetting to unplug the thing. I grabbed both, 1 hand each, & completed the circuit with my body.
After a few moments of a feeling I will never forget, a breaker blew. I got away with a scare & cinged fingertips. If it lasted a bit longer I probably wouldn't be here today. 🤷

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Alexander Konzurovski
@Anatoly Shashkin💾 Oh, how many times as a kid I got "energized" repairing a garland - I can't count!
Daniil Baturin

@dosnostalgic So that's how you decided to go for EE and CS? ;)

@dosnostalgic Wow, I had one of these when I was a kid
Anatoly Shashkin💾

DOS Subsystem for Linux integrates a real Linux environment into MS-DOS systems, allowing users to make use of both DOS and Linux applications from the DOS command prompt.

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Neko :blobcatcoffee:

@dosnostalgic Very cool, but just like WSL am driven mad by the naming, a DOS subsystem for Linux is dosbox, I have that. This is a Linux subsystem for DOS.

Lewis Cowles

can I launch Windows 95 or 98 or ME in this beauty?

Anatoly Shashkin💾

In Quake console command "showturtle 1" will show a little turtle icon in the top left corner of the screen when frame rate drops below 10 fps.

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Toni :v_big: :v_bi: :v_ach: :v_pat:

@dosnostalgic so that's what that tortoise was for. I remember digging into the files and seeing it but I never caught that. Cool.

If you saw me not noticing the legs and writing turtle before no you didn't. Ignore that indicator that this was edited in the corner.

The file was actually named turtle. I remember that even without the image. :p


@dosnostalgic If you want to test this, remove the cooler from your gpu and wait a bit with quake running :neocat_devil:

Anatoly Shashkin💾

FALLOUT ET TU, a project that brings FALLOUT 1 into the engine of FALLOUT 2 almost 1:1, but with lots of improvements

Lunar 🛸 ♾

@dosnostalgic Brilliant way to play the original. I played the whole thing a year or so ago and it worked flawlessly. Felt slightly cheaty being able to give Ian power armour, but let's not sweat the details

Anatoly Shashkin💾

Rich Whitehouse just added 32-player multiplayer support to the Jaguar version of "Alien vs Predator" with the new release of his BigPEmu emulator:

Anatoly Shashkin💾

Digital Eclipse just launched a 3D remake of the first Wizardry game than runs on top of the original Apple II code. 😯 (Early access)


@dosnostalgic This, like the Williams' remake of Colossal Cave Adventures, just confuses me. The originals of both are widely available, and this just seems like nostalgia mining. Bard's Tale did this as well a few years ago.

You can't go back to those old days. Let them be pleasant memories.

Anatoly Shashkin💾

Hell yeah, Windows 95. Let me have *real* MS-DOS, and not some fancy DOS 7 stuff.

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Matt Nawrocki

@dosnostalgic unfortunately for me, I always got LFN corruption when sharing the same partition for both Win95 and some older DOS. Ended up being more trouble than it was worth, so I opt for Partition Magic and create two separate partitions. 😊


@dosnostalgic Still want to see Win9x run on top of FreeDOS 🥺


@dosnostalgic Oh my gosh, I had forgotten this.


Steven Hugg

@dosnostalgic Michael Abrash could get that down to 6 hours


@dosnostalgic Oh god I'm dying here! A single-instruction C compiler 🤣


@dosnostalgic but but but assembly code is always faster!

Anatoly Shashkin💾

Tomorrow is the release date for both The Making of Karateka and RoboDoc. That's my evening taken care of.

Anatoly Shashkin💾

I miss the days when a brand new OS would just let you reboot into a legacy OS. Happy 28th birthday to Windows 95! 🎉🎂🎈🍾🥂

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Greg Smith

@dosnostalgic I had a machine in the office with a PCM/CIA Flash card programmer in it. Needed to be in DOS mode for the programmer software to work, and needed to be in W95 in order to transfer the data on the network. We just put up with stuff like that back then.

John Vert

@dosnostalgic You would have loved the old Windows NT bootloader which let you boot multiple different versions of the OS out of different subdirectories. (e.g. C:\NT3.1, C:\NT35, C:\NTbeta, etc)

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