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Meko #nowar
How do fedi people talk when they meet each other :ablobcatenjoy:
Meko #nowar
Happy birthday @torvalds

Have a healthy and happy life!
Meko #nowar
Meanwhile the most popular cellular network provider in Ukraine was shot down after a (assumably Russian) hacker attack.

It means random problems in random places. My work phone has no network nor internet, I can't use it for calls, nor anybody can call or message me if I'm not on wifi. Roaming doesn't work too.

Also POS terminals using SIM cards of that operator may not be able to process card payments. They have no internet. Same goes with lots of other services dependant on mobile cellular network.

In at least one of Ukrainian towns civil defense systems are paralyzed because they were dependent on mobile network of that provider. No air alerts until everything gets fixed.

Some people can't call their parents or kids. Especially elder ones not familiar with the internet. At least emergency numbers seem to be working.

Why am I writing this? It's an interesting case I never thought about. At war it may be possible for hackers to shoot down so many things by attacking only one or a few companies.

Fortunately my personal SIM card is from working cellular network provider. But now I'm pretty sure I should get a second personal SIM card from another provider just in case.
Meanwhile the most popular cellular network provider in Ukraine was shot down after a (assumably Russian) hacker attack.

It means random problems in random places. My work phone has no network nor internet, I can't use it for calls, nor anybody can call or message me if I'm not on wifi. Roaming doesn't work too.
Meko #nowar
Каждый раз, когда вы видите едкие, агрессивные комментарии в интернете, помните:

Вы не можете знать точно, написал ли это обычный человек, или это результат деятельности ботов, троллей, эльфов и другой нечисти из ада информационной войны.

И будьте добрее к окружающим :ablobcatheartsqueeze:
Meko #nowar
Interesting video about humans, human brains and social media. Didn't think this way before.

The Internet is Worse Than Ever – Now What?

P.S. It really looks like ads of fediverse at the end)))
Dr. Quadragon ❌

@yura Yeah, in the last part he basically described Fedi.

And that's what I like about Fedi.

It's going back to small, tightly-knit towns and cities and otherwise communities that are palatable to our brains, without rejecting modernity of online social life language altogether, coopting and adapting it instead.

As @ludivokrug once said, retrofuturism in action.

(also, be warned that there's been some controversy about Kurzgesagt's funding and if that means they push propaganda:
That doesn't mean everything he says will be wrong, though, it's just something to keep in mind)

@yura Yeah, in the last part he basically described Fedi.

And that's what I like about Fedi.

It's going back to small, tightly-knit towns and cities and otherwise communities that are palatable to our brains, without rejecting modernity of online social life language altogether, coopting and adapting it instead.

Meko #nowar
Actually a good spoiler. It would be good if it was also used by another remote access services
RustDesk website. Spoiler on top: WARNING: YOU MAY BE BEING SCAMMED! If you are on the phone with someone you DON'T know AND TRUST who has asked you to install RustDesk, do not install and hang up immediately. They are likely a scammer trying to steal your money or other private information.
Meko #nowar

Some people complain that AI generated content will kill web search, because it will show low quality generated content instead of high quality human written one.

I have bad news. Web search is already dead then.

Search engines like Google doesn't show the "best" content. They show content from websites that are "best optimized for search engines".

We already have many articles about how to optimize your website to be shown in google more often.

We already have many low quality non-informative articles in top Google results.

So I'm even not sure if AI will change much in this case.

Some people complain that AI generated content will kill web search, because it will show low quality generated content instead of high quality human written one.

I have bad news. Web search is already dead then.

Search engines like Google doesn't show the "best" content. They show content from websites that are "best optimized for search engines".

Meko #nowar
If it works and it's stupid, it's not stupid.
Meko #nowar
Жить надо так, чтобы никто не поверил, что твоя смерть случайна... :blobcatthinkingglare:
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