Приснился диалог:
– К нас тут были тёрки с министерством. Так знаешь, какой нам текстовый редактор сделали основным? Neovim. – Не, ну обычный vi – ещё хуже... @yura у меня уже все лс забито вопросами, стал ли я кошкомальчиком :blobcatgooglyholdingitsheadinitshands: Ukraine fires North Korean rockets to blast Russian positions The North Korean arms, whose use by Ukraine has not been previously reported, were shown to the Financial Times by troops operating Soviet-era Grad multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS) near the devastated city of Bakhmut. :blobcatwut: The planet is boiling and burning, but for me this summer is even colder and more rainy than usual :nkoThisIsFine:
> The era of global warming has ended,
> The era of global boiling has arrived... :blobcatthinkingglare: |