Soviet hammer and sickle are being removed at the "Fatherland-Mother" monument in Kyiv.

I remember when at the beginning of war Russia was blaming Ukraine for decommunisation.

Or course there was a ongoing decommunisation started after Russia seized Crimea and war at Donbass began.

But at that moment many things were actually untouched. There were Lelins-Stalins almost at the centre of my town (at the WWII memorial medals). They weren't going to be removed, but they were removed after the beginning of Russian invasion.

Hammer and sickle are probably threaten worse than nazi swastika in Ukraine today. Just because swastika was used by Nazis in a war 80 years ago, while soviet symbols are used by Russians in a war right now.

And now, hammer and sickle are being removed even from this big monument in Kyiv...
