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Dr. Quadragon ❌

@yura Yeah, in the last part he basically described Fedi.

And that's what I like about Fedi.

It's going back to small, tightly-knit towns and cities and otherwise communities that are palatable to our brains, without rejecting modernity of online social life language altogether, coopting and adapting it instead.

As @ludivokrug once said, retrofuturism in action.

(also, be warned that there's been some controversy about Kurzgesagt's funding and if that means they push propaganda:
That doesn't mean everything he says will be wrong, though, it's just something to keep in mind)

1 comment
Тр3тий Сергеевич

I do agree with @drq. I feel more comfortable here than in Twitter because the content is served chronologically and I can communicate much better with less people more often.
@yura @ludivokrug

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